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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. If you want another story, did you notice how the price of oil dropped after afew years in the 70's. This was mainly due to the oil companies needing more funds for oil exploration. This indeed may have some thing todo with the price.Lets charge more to cover the costs of finding oil. Without, having to dip into our own pockets(oil giants) because people are still willing to pay. When i left primary school, i was taught that oil is a fossil fuel and one day there will be none left. I was not taught that it was newable. The oil giants would not beable to increase price if everybody knew it was newable.Just look at the oration profits oil companies having been making that last two years. Would it be wise to invest in oil companies if you could? Another good point that oil does take time to be made in the earth. We may be using it faster than it regenerates. Meaning that people cant see it being made, after 20 years an old dry oil well may have regenerated and people dont know about it.
  2. THE BIGGEST SCAM OF ALL TIME Oil is a renewable resource. The oil giants, are scamming you of renewable oil, while they are saying that world will run out of oil in (this) amount of years. SO, if you want more, you have to pay more for it. While it renews itself and they keep asking for more. But, say that, when the price of oil goes down, that means more vt@cing for your buck. Views? Is it true?
  3. All the awesome people that live in swamp town who listen to alternative music. This station is for you!!! NO ADS, just hardcore metal etc. 24 hours a day. Heaps and heaps of NZ, swampville(palmy) hardcore metal. Some excellent examples of what is being played are: Chuganaut, 8 Foot, Chugs & All NZ Hellborne, WOS, Molotov 762, Tussin, cathedra Promise of Bloodshed,Motorhead/W.A.S.P., Deep Purple, 6DW and more!!! Frequency 107.3 fm. The other end of the scale. These people broadcast from upstairs gov's taven.
  4. and no offence it sounded crap and hung way too low, i distinctly remember that exhaust. 1st taupo cruise. I had my old exhaust on then. I destroyed my factory one to bits after the 2nd time.Dave and me saw felt the end of it, every time we went over a bump it changed note. I think Gus or Dan was behind me. That exhaust last me the 1st two taupo meets only.
  5. WTF??? Im not feeling you on this? You asked.
  6. Had a some thing like this. Made out of the same stuff. It is very strong. I imported a twin-in-twin-out system. It was harder to find. Got it off ebay.lol. Loved it. I had the 2.5" inlet to 3" outlet
  7. Maybe, I will die my hair Gray. It will make me look exxtremely wiser, while still maintaining maximum youthfulness. People will automaticaly think your smarter than you look. Pretend your a big sucker and be smart about it. I have been driving for 30 years. You will not only attractive to more older women than your use to, but to more younger chicks. But remember, the sugar daddy has money for my personal lawer. Just incase, John Travolta music starts appearing in your mirror. Dont play them for fools, and always be on the level.
  8. They are B & G springs. I find these are awesome for thug missions. Let them settle for a couple of days. Then tell us if the problem is still there. How low is it now?
  9. nah, put the bonnet on a switch. Make it flip up and place a white screen on the inside of it. Then get a projector to project the image/movie onto the screen. would be badass.
  10. instead of using the word quota, try "contacts" with your mate.
  11. The bushed are all plastic and wear out sometimes. Usually one sign of this is the car wont start when the starter motor is hot. Go to an engineering firm and ask them to make some brass bushes for you. Should cost no more than $30. If it does, slap them in the face and fcuk off to someone who will do it for that price.
  12. stick some bickies on in the dry and smoke it.
  13. Dont forget the starter motor has a common earth to the engine block. TO check starter motor: Place it in vice, hook the biggest terminal to the postive on the battery, use big wire. The negative to the body of the motor. Now use a medium guage wire to connect from the positive on the battery to one of the spade terminals on the solinod(sp?)lol
  14. Thats why header are more effective when they are wrapped in heat wrap. The natural exhaust heat is to help do two things. Maintain exhaust temperature inside the pipes for maximum reat retention. Aside affect of this is reduced engine bay temp. This will have other positive effect. The thing to remember is that with normal unwrapped exractors. Airflow around the pipes is increased. Therefore, faster cooling of the pipes and warmer engine bay? Sound like you Gus? That reminds me are those the non-HPC coated ones? Make some extractors out of steam pipe. These are designed to keep heat in. But bear in mind they will be heavy, FUh Raze!!!!
  15. rear fogs i find great for tail gaters!!!
  16. two copies. one for the car.
  17. or a light that is displayed next to your name on bs. That means your logged onto MSN or ICQ or whatever aswell, and you can chat on msn. Like on R3v. The green dot beside each person's posts means that user is currently on online. You could use something like this to show that who ever is surfing the website, your on msn at he same time.
  18. Targa NZ Where did that zip file download go? Read. Very interesting.
  19. Personally, i would not have used that wire. I would have used the Power for the sunroof.(cant remember if you have one or which type you have). As this a thicker guage and can handle more current. This aswell, is unsuitable for componets that draw constant voltage. As when the sunroof is operated, voltage and current change. Due to the nature of its orginal design. Looking at my spare loom, personaly the wire looks too small to support both the check panel and the lights. Keeping in mind, the lights are not always on and are seldom used. Was looking with electrial safety hat on.
  20. Cars with Foglights that dazzel people should not be on the road. I mean to pass a WOF, all lights should be adjusted so that they avoid dazzeling people. I had to adjust my foglights because it would not pass a WOF. I dont see why people should have to drive with their lights off during the day because of this issue. I like to be seen as much as possible. When on open road driving, i drive with my fogs on. Because I kow that they have been correctly adjusted to WOF standards. People who get easily dazzeled by lights should not be driving at all. Means that their eye sight should be checked and their licence put in question. When bright lights from another road user coming the other way, you should look to the other side of the road. Not look at them. Thats what the road code says.
  21. bumpstop325

    Classic read

    What happened to the under ages? I hope the cops got there stomach pumped. All under ages should get their stomach pumped to teach them they not allowed to do that. Did it mention what colour they were?
  22. Always Throw idea's at old mature racing drivers, when you can. They arn't always at an arms reach. Food for thought, its important to have dream car on what type of a car you really really want. Keep your mind open always to other people's idea's. So yeah bro, go have talk to the dude at GAC racing and see what he can find out. I would for sure do the twin cam all the way.
  23. Rules: This thread is all about the champions of the ultimate RICE E30. Post pic's of your riced e30 pic's for a "what not to do" collection. This thread is for purely viewing pieces of art. Keep bagging to a minimum, please. Only make your i-ego's bigger by posting up a ricer pic that the last. Keep it, Be Em double U, as much as possible. If knowen, post whether male/female owner/driver.
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