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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. bumpstop325


    have you considered a manual rack? = less hassel
  2. import all parts from the states, providing nz dollar is not to crap. mod to suit.wham bam, esirE 4wd!!!
  3. When was the last time you checked your wheels bolts, are done up tight?
  4. is this for your car, or another one?
  5. i wonder if you could take out the m30 block with the gearbox on. maybe if i unbolt, all the front off aswell.
  6. bumpstop325

    21 2day

    Same here.peace
  7. Good question mate and welcome, this is what this website is mainly about, helping people out. If you have any other questions, use the search button, up the top of every page. each green light represents 2,000km's. So when 2000km has been travelled one light will go out. untill all have gone and an orange light will show. After 500km travelled, this light will turn to red. Saying that your service is now over due. This replace's those fugly sticker's in the top right hand corner of the windscreen, which the writing fades over time and you cant read it. These lights can be reset by you or by your bimmer mechanic. The other lights usually come on after a set amount of time or if the inspection light stays on after resetting this usually means that your intrument cluster battery's are gone or the join has gone dry.
  8. bumpstop325

    New M3

    Thats badass!!!111!!!
  9. bumpstop325

    Unigames + welly

    i will be there, playing hockey. wont be down till tuesday morning. Got to be in aux on sunday 16th.
  10. also fill up at night time. you get more fuel. because it is more dense. but remember you will only be getting an extra 20-30mls if that. but its true. its simple fizicks.
  11. bumpstop325

    997 GT3

    love it-it is so badass
  12. get some Metric Mechanic rockers or Korman engineering one. wont get much change out of $1000. or better still m20b25 engine.
  13. just remeber when your house gets broken into and all your sh*t gets stolen. take the power back. plus find out who dobbed you in and go smash their windows or put cat sh*t in their letterbox.
  14. I have the 1.3 motronic system(1992 e32). Not like the 1.1 motronic which has the g/b sencors like yours does.Hopefully, getting one out of a 528i from a mate. Not sure if it is a e34 or a e28. most likely a e34, which will be guud. Its that or s/c unit. dont have the money to do both.
  15. dont flatter yourself too much.
  16. oh-ate hundered tint a car they are aux.
  17. bumpstop325

    My 335i

    I will be back in tga round easter for 2 weeks. You can come and have a look then. Yeah, i would have to agree apart from the engine, the badge is the shizzel.
  18. they are the same price from the stealer. I take it you have the e36 gearknob???
  19. i had one in my black car. took me about 20min to install. i loved it. but other people who drove where like...........how the hell do you change gear? or i hate driving your car. i other words, good beerach, i will make sure you dont. got to get rid of the auto. quick, someone hand me a m30 5spd.
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