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Everything posted by kerry

  1. well that would rip your undies pulling it apart for nothing.
  2. check engine light it is , just had the same fault on the missis car and it was air flow meter.
  3. kerry

    Sunday car wash

    great clean there. please put a write up on your bro's expertise lol
  4. would appear that way, whats ya boots worth mat
  5. welcome..... im sure what you spend on a 530 could get you a nice e30 with spending money but personaly i would get the 530
  6. kerry

    E30 M54B30 OBD1

    ive done exactly that with my steering coupling, it works well.
  7. kerry

    E30 M54B30 OBD1

    at least obd1 is easy. good luck
  8. kerry

    Matty104s E30 325

    tuff pully matt. get that thing mounted so you can have some fun!!!
  9. might have just that but im in hamilton
  10. yep i know what your saying there josh and the work is no issue for me but at this stage i just want to keep the factory fitment as it is for now, i think if i was going to do any mods to the brakes i would go all the way and get a pedal box like these http://www.cardwells.co.nz/Our_Brands/Tilt.../MenuId/36.aspx then the plenum will fit straight on
  11. should add its a 1974 525 e12 chassis # 4530303
  12. il have a look tomorow for you, pm me if i forget
  13. im impressed with how clean it is under the carpet
  14. yeah i havent got that far yet but im liking your design so far. im half pie thinking not to have a plenum at this stage and blocking the heat from the engine hense my little box over my radiator. in the end it is going to depend on what results i get on the dyno.
  15. yea mate i paid on friday and emailed you, might be in your junk folder?
  16. it fowl's on the brake booster which is already the mk1 golf system. i dont want to move it from its factory location but we will see.
  17. yea that sounds wicked, i beter try and sus a video recorder for the start up etc. might end up cutting the plenum up to fit .
  18. its becoming more fun the closer i get
  19. eventful weekend , have sorted were everything needs to be and what i dont need (pic2). have wired injectors, ignitor box, map sensor, oil presure guage, alternator charge light, temp sensor, and starter feed.
  20. push on it towards the dash real hard and it will unlock from its holder
  21. kerry

    m50 drive belt

    yea its the middle one man
  22. good work man. glad to here its worked out well.
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