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Everything posted by WYZEUP

  1. Lh front gaurd is. Rh has been sold
  2. Www.e30zone.net is a great site for heaps of knowledge and how to's
  3. You want all front and rear control arms?
  4. used a zf box from an e30?
  5. Bump. Got what i need out so will be going to scrap soon. parts going cheap
  6. if the zf gearbox comes from an e30 i will have to make a custom mount then too?
  7. Hey guys, So i know im going to probably get told to search this but i have looked and looked but there is soo much conflicting information out there that it hasnt come to finalise my decision. So, i am in the process of transplanting an m50 into my e30 with the plan of turbo'ing it. So with all my researching from what i understand is the ZF box is the stronger gearbox to use over the 260? now my next question which i seem to get so many conflicting answers is which of the two gearboxes mounts using factory mounts and brackets? as i really dont want to have to make custom mounts etc and risk driveline issues by not getting everything sitting at the corrcet angles
  8. Lots of guys doing it in the states. Someone has even written a full manual for the conversion you can buy with mounts. But engine and gearbox alone are going to cost you over 10k. Probably similar cost to an m62. Keep it European.
  9. Yup i saved about 400 and bought all the mounts for the whole front and rear conversion
  10. Removed motor and trans from donor vehicle. Spent too much with Revshift & Pelican. lets the parts bin grow
  11. So im looking to go down the path of 5 stud conversion on my e30. have the ti rear end and looking to bring in the suspension arms etc.... for the people that have done it what are your thoughts and pros and cons of doing it? wheel options etc.... thanks
  12. going to the scrappy next week. get in now
  13. that looks awesome man, fantastic work. if you feel like taking moulds.......wink wink
  14. Got an M50 engine ive pulled out and i want to clean it all up and freshen all the gaskets and seals up while its out before on go on the build. Where do you recommened i get all the seals from. was going to buy from ECS but shipping is as much as the parts which is ridiculous, so wondering if anyone has any of leads..... Thanks
  15. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153102621844372&set=pcb.832399533496531&type=1&theater
  16. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/engines/auction-923749538.htm Theres a killer setup for someone wanting a lethal 30
  17. WYZEUP

    E30 love

    it may cost less to cam and chip but for minimal gains. when you could turbo or repower for a little more and have an actual noticeable difference. otherwise give me your $$$$ and ill flush it down the toilet for you
  18. Does anyone out there no anyone that makes or can make adapters to fit e30 seat rails to allow recaro rails to be bolted to them......have found some in america but the freight is a killer atm...
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