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Everything posted by gjm

  1. Be interesting to see if the distance covered has increased in that time.
  2. Good for at least 5 years, provided it's in the original, sealed containers. Heat from sunlight won't affect it (sunlight is more likely to damage the container) although extreme cold might.
  3. gjm


    I saw a Ute with a bumper sticker that said "I am a vet. I drive like an animal." It was only then that I realised how many gynaecologists and proctologists there are on the roads... ;-)
  4. gjm


    Black Kia small(ish) SUV on SH1, northbound, yesterday. Locked into the right hand lane at 80km/h. No, 85... 90... Brakes! 80km/h... 85... 90... 93... Brakes! 80km/h... Chinese woman driving it looked absolutely terrified.
  5. Any older car which can show an extended period of individual ownership with related regular maintenance, care and attention is obviously a reasonable buy. Value? What someone is prepared to pay. Much more tricky. Location narrows the market... Not from a collection perspective necessarily, but when 'good' money is asked for a vehicle, regardless of how good that vehicle may be, there is a requirement to thoroughly inspect. That's more tricky if significant distance and time is involved. My gut says price is still a little high, but if it is as good as it's described to be, it could well be worth it. The updates are a matter of personal choice, but there's nothing offensive (unlike some cars we see offered!) and nothing irreversible should a new owner choose to do so. GLWS.
  6. gjm


    It puzzles me that so many people just seem unable to drive with anything approaching a level of competence. The police enforce the speed limits, as they are told to do, but they're not stupid. The traffic cops see all manner of bad driving on the roads, but there seems to be no attempt by the authorities (not the police, perhaps) to improve driving skills, or address what is an increasing problem.
  7. http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/51770-very-cool-e30-buy-now/
  8. gjm

    Caught on camera...

    I've used Air NZ parking a few times. Seemed OK. A friend in the UK had his Porsche 928SE, 1 of only 42 cars made, written off by British Airways Express Parking while they were 'cleaning' it.
  9. Sounds like it is little different to any other 80s/90s 4wd system fitted to a car. (FF in the Jensen, excepted, of course...) Newer systems are better in many respects, except possibly one - modern systems are far more complicated and all-but unrepairable at home. That impression trickles down to the older systems, leading to them being deemed uneconomic to repair. That said, I know nothing of the BMW iX system. I've had 80s/90s Audi Quattros, and they really aren't complicated. Outside the knowledge of most DIY people, but often not outside their ability.
  10. gjm


    I preferred Alderney (those who don't know will have to look her up!) - she was a babe. 'Wombling' certainly describes many road users so well. I used to describe such people as 'bimbling obliviously', but may have to change that.
  11. I was thinking it's a shame it was a water loss issue.
  12. gjm


    I liked the Wombles! I think Tomsk was my favourite.
  13. gjm


    It may be short-lived. Anyone else noticed how the pump price of fuel has started to drop again, following a seasonal 'spike'?
  14. gjm

    Caught on camera...

    Dunno if that is the clip I've seen before, but one of these saw the operator of the parking facility trying to claim that it was unfair and an invasion of privacy that a video had been recorded of a paid driver abusing a customer's car.
  15. Sorry - still nothing to report. Get in, drive, stop... Y'know, like all good cars should. I do have the turbo and all the other bits and pieces now. I had planned to do that work over Christmas, but NZ Post managed to take from December 14th to January 8th to transfer a vital item from Auckland airport to home. I had enquired about it and was categorically told it wasn't in the country. This information arrived in my inbox about 10 minutes after it was delivered... In the meantime we've cleared 263000 miles. Something around 421000km.
  16. A rather lovely-looking red 1990 E30 M3 on SH1 this morning. Those arches really do set the shape off beautifully. I know it was a 1990 model. The number plate said so.
  17. Next week! It's Wednesday! Have you got something on...? ;-) Seriously - I really feel for you. I've no doubt you get a lot of people telling you how important it is that their car is fixed - now.
  18. Does the E39 have a dipstick? I know our E46 doesn't, which makes things much more difficult.
  19. That's been my perception in the BMW vs Merc debate. BMW is typically sportier, Merc more comfortable. Pick your weapon.
  20. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. :-) I quite dislike the CLS, and pretty much all the later models with Mercedes' interpretation of a flared wheelarch. I'm sure they're lovely inside, but... Nope. Not for me. I do very much like the 60s/70s/80s and early 90s models. It's a problem I have learned to accept and deal with.
  21. A cheap Mercedes certainly does exist, but that's not really what we're talking about here. Cheap to buy when compared to the new purchase price, but so are 750iL BMWs and their like. Something that makes upwards of 300hp (base figure for the early W211 E500), with the potential for a LOT more, is never going to be cheap, and certainly not when you factor in all the other bits and pieces. Inappropriate use of cheap plastic parts aside, these cars commanded high prices when new, and the running costs won't have changed significantly. The only difference is that as they get older, people find ways around the costs associated with main dealer servicing and spares. For E55 DIY costs, have a look here: http://mbworld.org/forums/w211-amg/427836-55-cost-ownership-majority-diy.html Cheap Merc running costs? Get something built before 1995.
  22. Nice car for the money, but not worth much (if any) more. As said, could be had for less.
  23. gjm


    What's wrong with so many drivers on Kiwi roads? Inconsideration - already covered - and a complete and utter lack of awareness of anything going on around them. Despite efforts of media and police, there's a huge number of people driving around with a phone either glued to their ear (and often, making notes while talking and driving), or with their phone held alongside the steering wheel so they can text and (apparently) watch the road at the same time. And... Naah. That'll do for now.
  24. I've not looked to hard, but I'm unsurprised. Just a matter of getting the right software!
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