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Everything posted by Herbmiester

  1. So was 12k now 17k, that better appreciation than the Auckland housing market.
  2. Just remember the space inside your car with its combination of hard and soft surfaces is a constraint and that combined with road and engine noise means that what ever you do will always be a compromise. Also the quality of the DACS in you factory head unit or converter box a major factor. I run a cheap after market JVC head unit and its audio quality is at least as good as factory. I am sure you know that if you are streaming off an iPhone then the quality is already compromised, a good CD player will up that. A friend spent 20g on interior sound in the 90s not for the boom boom but for the quality. His comment was that after he had spent 2k the quality increase was marginal. He also stated that with mp3 being so lossy that hi-fi in cars is a waste of money.
  3. They are when I stomp on them. In all seriousness did the same update to my 325i and they were pretty bloody good!
  4. Brakes are easy, e46 brakes and better pads.
  5. Perhaps I will put an LS into my 318i and call it Ron.
  6. Any recomendation on what D-CAN and OTG cable to buy?
  7. This is not the real world, its a just a calculation. As I mentioned earlier many so called performance engines do it through revs. Just like the old NA F1 engines each year the revs got higher as there were no other ways to make the HP. So Ron your criteria is really all about engines that rev to high RPM. Therefore a rotary engine trumps all those DOHC engines. Finally let's look at a classic BMW engines that many of us like; the the M54 B30 56 kW/L compare that to a so called Dinosaur LS that make similar numbers, they make peak power at similar RPM and have similar KW/L. By default the valve train arrangement in a road car has less of an impact than the rev limit. But its all a moot point when an LS (Any one from 4.8 to 7L) fits where a DOHC V8 wont. We get back to the metric that matters KW/KG. Its no wonder BMW went to forced induction and soon it will be going 4wd as well as the power these engines produce make it hard for them to get to the ground. But that's another discussion.
  8. Mine wont and it does have comfort access, any tips?
  9. Its a Cobb copy by the look of I suspect China.
  10. Sports seats, M Sport suspension and Sports wheel are all very nice options.
  11. Matthew, what charge pipe did you use, the one I bought won't fit, it is too wide and hits the lines from the power steering pump.
  12. Nice looking car google BMW vin Checker and put your vin in and it will tell you what the factory options were.
  13. Yeah my apologies I should have just let it go.
  14. Ah I see, yes was wondering if that part may have been at fault as it is mentioned occasionally in some boost issue posts. I will check how to test it and see if its the issue. Good info thanks very much.
  15. Thanks for that by pressure converter do you mean the Diverter valves that come off the charge pipe?
  16. I have installed a bigger AMS intercooler but still getting the half engine light. BMW mechanic has had three goes at fixing it. Says Vaccuum is ok and cant find any boost leaks on the cool side of the engine, starting to worry that its the turbos but with on 75km's I am hoping not. So frustrating having a car with potential but not being able to realise it. Great build so BTW looking forward to hearing about the turbo replacement.
  17. The thing is this is fantasy not reality, the reality is this what you can buy not what you dream up. Also care to estimate the size of a DOHC engine at that CC? Well let me share something with you Ford went DOHC for the falcon range and the the engine was so physically big it had to sit high in the engine bag just to clear the strut towers this had a very negative effect on handling. Big CC DOHC V8s are TALL and WIDE, you need big engine bays to accommodate them. Click click starting to get it yet Ron? Ever wonder why the S65 has such a short stroke, well a good part of that is deck height. Short stroke engines have lower deck heights, lower deck heights keep the engine narrower. Oh and dont tell me the short stroke was to make it rev the s54 was under square and it revved quite well. BTW WTF Trump what's that got to do with anything. As to not getting it I get it perfectly it's you who doesn't get it. All you care about is KW/L and its a flawed metric, only useful in racing. Like I said earlier no one cares if you have a better KW/L ratio what matters is power to weight.
  18. Richard re the I drive make sure your battery is charged mine got a bit low and the funny I drive thing started, but after I charged the battery it stopped.
  19. Ron the fact is they aren't but they use forced induction so it's a moot point. And as for sound the M4 is widely panned for having a crap sounding exhaust note, they even pipe it through the speakers to try and enhance it while the Camaro is praised for sounding great. Your swimming against the tide yet again Ron.
  20. Yet again Ron this was the question and the answer yet again is yes because it increases the KW/KG ratio so any engine that increases the first and does not increase the latter can be considered a performance engine, why because it increases performance, sorry Ron I am trying to make this simple for you. I find your statement about the E36 not being interesting when you own one rather contrary. It's a very well regarded chassis and with a jump from 190 to 400 Hp I would think that would make it very interesting indeed. I certainly thought so when I drove it. BTW M50 198 kg M52 177 LS1 181 Kg. The V8 sits further back in the chassis help front to rear balance. So why is an engine that is as light as the engine it replaces but doubles the horsepower not a performance engine? You're not the only one here who has driven fast cars Ron, but I suspect your scope is limited if you haven't spent time with one of the modern big CC NA engines. It's not the same as an Alfa let me tell you that much.
  21. Drive an LS powered E36 and you will understand. KW/KG is the real measure.
  22. Yes Re003s again. straight up its a good tyre and then you look what price you can get them for and it's a no brainer. sold in the US as the firestone firehawk. very good reviews.
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