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Red Dwarf

Race Series Competitors
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Red Dwarf last won the day on November 29 2017

Red Dwarf had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

136 Excellent


About Red Dwarf

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Location
    Overstayer, in hiding!
  • Car
    Alfa Romeo V6
  • Mods List
    Yes it has some!!
  • Race Car
    Coming soon!
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  1. Anyone have a pair of rear footrests for an e65/e66 LWB... Looking for a friend Cheers
  2. I got to watch this project from the first "are you mad!" idea to completion and with the exception of a small number of people I'd be surprised if anyone has the first clue at what went into building it... that said, It's worth exactly what someone is willing to spend, end of story... It's always interesting to see "experts" come out of the woodwork but take it from someone who's driven it a lot... It's one hell of a car!
  3. Cheers John... They're the same as the ones Pete runs... I'll be there sometime towards the end of the week to drop the project off so I'll see...
  4. I'm after some RX 204 for the project... Anyone have any for sale? Cheers
  5. Hi... Anyone able to point me in the direction of a good Auto Sparky who doesn't mind a challenge... I'm looking to pull out as much of the the un-necessary loom out of an E36 race project... The car's located in Silverdale... Cheers
  6. Welcome to bring a wheel and try it on if you want!
  7. Hey... Do you still have any baffle plates left? 


  8. Red Dwarf

    Hellbm E39 M5

    The exhaust sounds amazing on this!
  9. I'm pretty sure a 6cyl (post '94) should measure 198mm (c to c)...
  10. Yup, F20 with the N55B30O0/DCT...They're amazing!!... They may seem expensive but you get so much more than you pay for!!
  11. Seriously quick would be the answer to that... Rear space is as Olaf said, best described as occasional... I've got one for sale at the moment and I know I'm going to regret it when it's gone... Unfortunately for you, it too is in Auckland... Which one are you looking at...
  12. So far Edgar has avoided replying to my inquiry emails...
  13. Always entertaining to find someone selling your car on another website... The one My Mrs is selling: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1189473106 And the one Edgar Glendenning is selling: http://www.adpost.com/nz/vehicles/10618/ Cheeky bugger hasn't even rewritten the text but you'd think Edgar could at least stretch to grabbing a couple of photos off Google I wonder if Mariota Avenue is somewhere in Lagos as I'm pretty sure it's not in Papakura! I think I might have a bit of fun with this...
  14. Any know anything about this one... Got a mate looking for a vert... http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1156006561.htm Cheers
  15. Anyone got one lying around that they'd part with Cheers
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