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Everything posted by polley

  1. polley

    E30 MTech2 Touring

    Looks very good. Needs a turbo
  2. throw it in the bin where it belongs.
  3. lol there is some wank in a black e38 around here that does that. burning around switching lanes between traffic, flying up behind you and flashing his lights trying to get you to move over. then the traffic lights turn red and everyone catches up to him. if that was me id be too embarrassed that everyone caught up to me and id run the red light, but he just sits there acting cool with his hand out the window and his over sized sunnies on.
  4. Hopefully the correct part turns up I read somewhere of someone horror stories with these people, similar issues to yours, and when it finally turned up it was the wrong flywheel!
  5. going to keep drive by wire at this point.
  6. Alrighty, long time no update, kinda got distracted with other things. Pete did most the work on the zoomies, so thanks for that..
  7. lol bad luck. I was doing 70 in a 50 on the way to coromandel and the cop just flashed his lights and waved his finger.
  8. I should get around to actually getting a license haha, VFR isnt LAMS approved though so still wouldnt be allowed to ride it until I get my full which is really annoying. There is supposed to be new law coming in where there isnt any time wait between getting your learners and restricted... it will be competency based. Not that theres any difference between your learners and restricted anyway, just dont have to have an L plate, and no one puts those on anyways.
  9. My dad did that once, including a wheel barrow for the garden. Wasnt happy times.
  10. Many good lessons in this thread. Since her car got broken into (smashed window), is a replacement window a good present? Was gonna keep an eye out at pick a part.
  11. 91 vfr400 nc30.. first road bike. Its a bit pink, will repaint it one day.
  12. 1.) threads about xmas 2.) xmas carols / songs talking about the radio, that honda hamilton advert rarks me up the wrong way - will avoid there shop at all costs. Living in hamilton and I order my honda parts from tauranga.
  13. Im not confusing current and voltage, my post might not make complete sense as I wrote it on my phone. If I was confused then I better resign from my day job first thing monday. Goodluck with your radiator replacement goals of 2014.
  14. Thinking about it over lunch, I think you've made the problem worse by grounding it. It would seem the problem has gone because you've effectively shorted it out. I would expect your radiator to fall apart even quicker like this... Can you measure the current flowing through the earth strap? If you think of it as a battery with cells, and electrolyte, you will measure a voltage between cells.but there is no current flowing because there I'd no load attached. Ie, you can measure a voltage potential in your radiator but without it grounded there I'd no where for the current to for. Soon a you ground it (put a load on it) current will flow and voltage will drop (making you think you fixed the problem)
  15. Havent touched it, weather has been far better for motorbiking around than burning around in a car with no A/C.
  16. Is lead still used these days? I cant imagine the process used for welding the fins / channels / tanks ends been much different other than having a plastic or alloy end tank.
  17. I would of thought iron block / alloy head with alloy radiator was quite common to be honest. Just look at standard BMW setups. E30, E36 etc. Iron blocks, alloy heads, alloy radiators albeit plastic end tanks but the alloy cores are not grounded and they are mounted via the plastic end tanks with plastic clips.
  18. So now we are saying we should ground the radiator, when at the start of the thread we were supposed to be doing the opposite?
  19. boost leak test it. should be done whenever you pull the system apart / reassemble it.
  20. Im getting about 220 - 280mv, radiator is not grounded, using BMW coolant. Time to start pulling fuses and see if it changes?
  21. never been, but if thats true that sounds like sh*t. not worried about missing it now.
  22. was gonna take the e30 but have a friends party instead.
  23. polley

    318i coupe

    They came in the E32 and E34 I believe.
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