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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. agreed! even F1 cars with launch control would struggle to make that figure. All the data on this car seems to be theoretical.
  2. BFMR Mazda turbo 4wd Legacy's (all of them) and yup the mitsi GTO what a pig.
  3. here you are http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-351525198.htm got mine through him. Look awesome. Work perfectly. Been 4 months now no issues.
  4. tried them, they tried to offer me a standard e39 one which wouldn't fit over the M5 engine cowel. Then they suspiciously stopped returning my emails when i pushed for a M5 specific product.
  5. Or one to fit a M5....anywhere.
  6. I've claimed under NAC and found they were good. Slow, but aren't they all. But they paid up. I was more annoyed to find my agreed value policy was market value. I'm with AMI now agreed value. @Jacko - Funny you say AMI wont insure modified cars. I have disclosed every modification to my car, each year. No issue there.
  7. I think I remember that the statistically the safest colour car on NZ roads was pink. So low on the crash statistics than it hardly even was mentioned. So there you are....a top tip. Buy a pink car. You be the judge : > ahhh..... wow.Note to self. When I finally can afford classic american muscle, ensure I install a full cage.
  8. A tank would be pretty good in a head accident with a car too. I doubt you would want to deal with the crappy ride / speed and fuel consumption
  9. I did!!And wow. yes. Showed the advancements in vehicle design. here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBDyeWofcLY
  10. Mint! for some reason I'm lovin the tan/metallic colour......so rare!
  11. There's a reason the international brain injury association voted the e39 the safest car of the millenium. http://www.bmwnamarketing.com/bmw_market2/pdf/CarAwards.pdf
  12. Hey glenn, any particular battery or model would you recommend as an upgrade from factory ? I've found my new battery to run low waay to fast for my liking. *edit* apologies for the threat hijack
  13. M5V8

    clay bars

    Yup I have a machine polisher for the once a year cut & polish she gets. Sounds like it's probably a waste of $$ for me considering it gets a weekly wash and hides in a garage under a soft cover.
  14. M5V8

    clay bars

    No the paint is pretty good. few swirl marks in the clearcoat the odd stonechip and baked on bug splatter on the front. just everyone keeps on about about clay bars...
  15. M5V8

    clay bars

    I'd thought I'd just ask where and what are the best clay bar's to use? Is there a particular brand that's best? is this a reasonable deal? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-347537985.htm
  16. laugh out loud at this complete tool.
  17. M5V8

    Drift trikes -

    I'm not sure I'll be selling my RB just yet, ......but it if the b*itches love it & you can transport beer.....lol...... legend
  18. M5V8

    Drift trikes -

    wholly cr*p that thing looks awesome!
  19. M5V8

    Drift trikes -

    man..... it seems growing up in the 80's was alot simpler. Crash your skateboard into a car? off to hospital for you. Blow you hand off with fireworks? your new nick-name is now lefty. Bring back personal accountability I say, if we don't stand up against the yellow vest brigade we will suffer the same fate as the nanny-state UK! I reckon they should a applauded for building something different and original. It looks fun! at at least they are not breaking any real laws.
  20. M5V8

    My new bmw

    am I seeing recaro front seats?
  21. I'm running D2 8pistons 365mm in the front, basically a AP design & takes AP pads with standard rears & uprated disc's and pads. Had to go to a 18" wheel to accomidate but it stops really well. AP's would be def b better but the D2's do the job. I have a port on the back end of my head draining to a catchcan which drains back to sump and run custom baffles in the head and sump as I had the same problems with mine. So far it's working well for me but I haven't had the semi's back on it just yet to check the oil pressure in high G turns. Sounds like your got the right idea's to do it right the first time. Eddie & the lads from here and GTR-elite will be sure to help you out with advice.
  22. absolutely beautiful example mate. I hope to see it out on track soon. Be careful with the factory brakes, they are most definately not upto track duties for any length of time. Running slicks with a standard engine you are experiencing the RB oil surge where all the oil ends up in the head and out in ya catch can. Annoying yes, dangerous also when your oil pressure drop on high G turns.
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