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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. M5V8

    850 Csi

    are you kidding me? OMG. if I only had the $$ dream car.
  2. oh... and none of this carry on..... http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/4133...ormer-wifes-car
  3. most likely. It requires 12v constant power. The unit will be struggling to keep the backup battery charged if it's turned off all the time. Probably doesn't have the power to get a signal. The unit wont be able to immobilise unless you connect the additonal wires for this so don't worry. Just connect power & ground. If it doesn't have constant 12v then the battery will eventually die then it's useless. You would have to wait until someone turned the car on to get it's location. Since you are a welly lad I'm happy to give you a hand with the install mate. Just hit me up.
  4. BTW - I've had a number of emails & PM's of people still wanting units, so with enough pre-orders we might get the numbers to do another order. whom else would be intrested in a unit?
  5. test it out with a vodafone card..... we did all our testing with VF.
  6. ultimate E39 parts catalog http://bmwfans.info/parts/catalog/E39/Seda...02/july/browse/
  7. M5V8

    Audi S4

    My dad had a silver wagon new back in the day. Unbelievable car with the factory fitted A008's. It defined sh*t to a blanket. Pin the throttle and hold on! Still don't think I have got close to the time I posted to Mt. Ruapheu winter 1994.
  8. since we are on the subject.... freshly rebuilt RB28, back in the hole yesterday.....
  9. so you want a shiny noise machine? that's probably not that quick? I agree with Simon...wrong forum. I think honda has their own forum somewhere...
  10. +1 been there done that....wish I had that advice when I was that age. I spent too much to the Policeman's retirement fund.
  11. M5V8


    Bringing back the 90's? It's different. And I like it. Who knows you might just start a fluro trend!
  12. M5V8

    Xbox 360 Repair

    in my experience xbox 360's are junk. MS knew about this overheating issue but rushed it to market anyway. I had mine RRoD three times, repaired under warranty. The fourth I tired fixing myself but the motherboard looked warped. So it went in the bin, along with all my games and any respect I had for MS gaming consoles. Now I have a PS3, it works beautifully. Plus you don't have to pay for online gaming.
  13. never touch another man's automobile.
  14. I don't like the words expensive or rare. hummm......I think it can't be that hard to reproduce. Bit of alloy....few bolts....duck tape.....
  15. any idea from whom or where I could locate this?
  16. you could find a garage with an engine analyser to see what's coming out the tailpipe..... Sometime's sensors can get fail or give bad readings resulting in incorrect full maps being used. Does the car feel sluggish?....$85 should be a full tank in one of those so it has to be going somewhere. edit: of course you could try $10 fuel injector cleaner!
  17. There's a current misleading advertising case before the courts citing this is b*llshit from shell.All petrol companies add additives. The octane rating is the only real scientific measure. http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/4029653/Sh...tising-campaign I agree tho Leeroy, something is seriously wrong with your car. It's not leaking fuel is it? What did the "tune up" do? do you have the garage receipt? But this is an interested thread. What figures do other people get? I have seen 10l/100 on my 4.9L V8 on the open road with total nana driving. 12-15 easily if you touch the right pedal. I can get anywhere from 400 - 600km from a full tank which costs $125 (98 octane only).
  18. and yet people still drive with the seat forward only inches from the airbag.
  19. I did a bit of research about these recently, you need to be careful. They need to be a hubcentric set specific for your car - try not to go over 5mm as they can be un-warrantable or even dangerous. Turner has some H&R stuff so you know it's good. http://www.turnermotorsport.com/html/subca...sp?subcat_id=93 Fire up some pic's! she sounds quite the beastie.
  20. M5V8

    Barking Dogs

    as a responsible dog owner ...... it's my responsibility to control my dog. You really need to get the owners on your side, explain how this affects you and hopefully they understand. There will be a instigator, the first one to bark. You need to start there. There are various things you can do, proper training for a voice command to be silent. Once one stops the others will too. It's hard when it's not your dog I know.
  21. M5V8

    Who is the Stig?

    I hope they kill this one in a MORE spectacular fashion.....as a warning to all future stig's. Maybe a helmet on a stake outside the studio ...?
  22. shiney...... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-313607477.htm
  23. M5V8

    Who is the Stig?

    i thought that was Ben... i stand corrected.
  24. M5V8

    Who is the Stig?

    Black Stig was Ben Collins until he ruined it in an interview, so TG canned him and chucked him off a aircraft carrier as a warning to future stigs. White Stig could be anyone...they use multiple professional drivers. So it's entirely possible Grant has been the stig at some point. Speculation is half the fun.
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