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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. M5V8

    Clarkson Sacked

    I had to laugh a Piers Morgans comment - Your mistake was to take out all your angst on a hard-working, loyal Top Gear producer. If you'd just whacked ME in the head again, as you did at the British Press Awards in 2004, the nation would have risen as one to applaud you. I suspect an OBE might have been in the offing, possibly even an open-top bus, ticker-tape parade of London. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3011547/Piers-Morgan-Dear-Jeremy-big-mistake-hitting-loyal-hard-working-producer-not-again.html
  2. M5V8

    Clarkson Sacked

    ^ hahaha... Boris is incredibly funny. But ultimately hates cars.
  3. M5V8

    Clarkson Sacked

    Chris Harris would be good. At least you would have someone whom can drive on the program. The rest are mostly rubbish.
  4. M5V8

    Clarkson Sacked

    I love TG. Clarkson is hilarious and his borderline un-PC jokes are just what a stuckup country needs. I thought this series was the best in recent memory. Plus.... WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH THE P1 / LA FERRARI / 918 BATTLE!! BBC - bring back clarkson
  5. I once bought a bunch of those stupid white ppl stickers for my single mate's AMG. I stuck on an old lady and 14 cats on his rear window.
  6. still love the 560sec. built like a tank. A real AMG hammer would be a keeper.
  7. I love me some action movies. I don't think he's lost it. Could be worse. I mean he's more believable than a 63yr old Liam Neeson in a action flick.
  8. I think all a cool car says about the chick behind the wheel is they share a similar passion as yourselves, so you already have some common interests. Hence it is a positive. On the same coin cool car ownership isn't a guarantee the owner is equally as cool. For what it's worth my wife drove a pos cavalier when I met her. God I got her to sell that as soon as I could.
  9. well... you have already found the 'other european' section of this site. As you have seen, we aren't snobs. Plenty of appreciation of other makes found here.
  10. Somewhat. ha. from what I gathered they had issues with valve-train breakages with all the supercharged motors. They used cast parts just weren't upto the task long term and just broke.
  11. M5V8


    You are just full of good ideas aren't you? lol..... what does dropping a S62 + 6spd into one do for the resale?
  12. correct. except this was a 24 - 3 valve.
  13. that was the C32 supercharged 6cly. We had it stripped at a garage and he proceeded to tell us some horror stories of the Merc supercharged motor failures. Nothing against merc's he actually went on to by a C63. which is a magic motor. The C32 piston still sits on his desk. Top drive train failure, dropped the valve into the motor lunched 3 pistons. Apparently it just happens.
  14. Careful of the supercharged Merc motors i've heard some horror stories, including a written off one of my mates. Not trashed. Just cruising at 30kph and boom. Engine done. Back to the Q at hand. usually i say clear... but with those SL's I tend to prefer the OEM. I don't know why. Just suits.
  15. M5V8


    its a very good point. (except i'd have to paint it black cause black is badass)
  16. M5V8


    meh... if the condition was perfect... you know... running well... nothing to spend. I'd be interested if it was sub $20k. But it would have to be a wknd only car. that is if I could get it in my garage. Which it can't. So i'm out. But i see value in the wheels and CSI kit as that's how I would do it also. (maybe not those exact rims but pretty close). So for me i'd pay a premium to have those done already. I'm sure there's some punter out there with the cash to spend on a 3rd / 4th wknd cruiser and would be happy to take it off him. Finding that punter may take time.
  17. M5V8


    Thanks for posting Sascha. Good luck with the sale.
  18. the main reason to buying online was the cheaper deals. Take away that and I would wonder why people would. No consumer guarantees act coverage Customs and shipping charges Right of return really up to the seller
  19. M5V8


    well if it works for him. Good on him. Sounds like hard work. Without doubt it's the nicest looking one i've seen in recent memory. (from the online pics anyway)
  20. M5V8


    If he wanted the market to set the price he should have set a auction with a realistic reserve rather than setting an asking price. If I was in the market I wouldn't bother even inquiring
  21. this one amber? http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/52294-boom/
  22. Nice ! I still love these old SL's Still look good don't they I was so close to buying one about 6 years ago, only problem it was a two seater. Which meant no dog seats. Couldn't do it.
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