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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. M5V8


    I have a set. only barely legal off my old racecar. You can have them. Free. I'm using them to stop my dogs escape currently. 265/35/18 x4 bridgestone's.
  2. M5V8

    e39 M5 ACS

    My car had 60 odd K less on it, kiwi new with arguably a better option colour combo for most tastes. If I had three of them I could have sold them all. In the end I had two cash offers on the table only a few grand less than what he's asking. In each instance the people I talked to were put off by the high k's & colour combo of that car. Did I sell mine too cheap? maybe. But it's going to a real enthusiast, who's over the moon about it.
  3. I can't believe people actively sell junk like this.
  4. Well deal not done yet. I've got no money. Still trying to arrange for an inspection as he isn't Auckland based. PITA as they want the car for a day. Good news is I'm staying in the BMW family. More info on the new ride will be forthcoming......
  5. oh i'm keeping the guys contact details. Come lotto or windfall I'll be knocking on his door for the keys back.
  6. Same old story...... alot of emails, & talk then overnight two cash, right now offers.
  7. SOLD. I've made a deal on a replacement also.
  8. yeah I'm def on the fence. So I'm going to hold out for the right owner whom see's the value in what I've spent on it. Everytime we go out in Auckland traffic I'm headed for the wife's ML. Just so easy. I am headed on my own to the coromandel this wknd..... a blast down there might just be the recipe to remind me why I bought it in the first place.
  9. Few new artsy pictures uploaded from the weekend. Cheers Jooles. Really appreciate you taking time out of your wknd to take these. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=785153882&ed=true
  10. M5V8

    1991 E31 850i

    aww man... Looks good Julian. Now I'm thinking I should keep it.
  11. these: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/accessories/auction-783985067.htm worked perfectly for me for the last 4 years. You can go more expensive online. http://www.umnitza.com/ make quality ones but they are pricey.
  12. yep you only need one. Still interesting to see how many people like to look.
  13. 41 watchers and 500 views overnight.
  14. Saturday it is. Have someone coming to look at it next week. But I'd still like to do the pictures anyway. It's not sold yet.
  15. Sounds perfect. I'll flick you a txt julian and we can sus a time. My car is generally pretty clean anyway but the predicted rain on the wknd wont help.
  16. That's a great idea. Cheers for the offer Julian. I think I might have to take you up on that.
  17. gone to trademe http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=785153882
  18. My brother had two X5's and 3 X6's and swears by the X6 for it's more 'sporty' focus & handling. Coming from the M5 I want something that I can lean on. I can't justify the ML63 fuel bill. It's was $200 just to fill the mr's ML! think how quick that would go in the 6.3 !!
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