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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. What E39 spoiler options are there?
  2. Tristan

    My e46

    Woolf has Remus exhausts.
  3. Thanks Jochen, I'll have a look of taking it off now. Note: Removed the phone antenna very easily. Never going to use it in future but kept it just in case. Came off without any trouble, outside was on with 3M, made gummy by the sun and the inside peeled off. EDIT: Jochen, unit's out. What do I do with all the wires on the roof going into the side?
  4. Tristan

    My e46

    Chatted with Woolf Mufflers. Got quoted $400.00 for: $400.00 with twin outlet
  5. Tristan

    My e46

    Swirls all gone?
  6. Tristan

    My e46

    Car looks great. Who detailed it? I'd like to hit them up. Yeh +1 for ditching the plate surrounds.
  7. I look foward to when I have wheels and booking you.
  8. Were they the black german plates? Fairly sure he's a member.
  9. Should get em by Monday week then
  10. Excellent. Will remove tomorrow morning Edit: any suggestions on removal? Edit edit: my research suggests this is an antenna for cell?
  11. Can't wait to see rapido in the flesh
  12. Okkk won't be buying this for awhile too poor haha Thanks anyway, Ray!
  13. Quotes for any bonnet is appreciated.
  14. http://pit-auto-news.blogspot.com/2007/09/...will-debut.html Looks good but not a fan of the roof wing.
  15. AC Schnitzer 1 series in town today. Mint.
  16. Looks good! Did you see the group buy that was done in the last week? We picked up a set for $50 ea.
  17. Ok thanks. Also you know the aerial thing on the rear window near the roof? Possible to ditch it? Possibly get an aerial somewhere else more discreet? EDIT: It's just that lump, no wire or anything so I spose previous owner gave it the chop?
  18. Tristan


    Where you gonna get your black ones from?
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