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Everything posted by westy

  1. westy

    e46 gtr

    Very nice. Would like to know more about how you got on with the ECU etc.
  2. westy

    The bastard child.

    Not yet. Early next week maybe.
  3. The threads basically gone dead so thats an indication... Last I saw 1) yes 2) no 3) he hasn't.
  4. A site without the crap. Its a bit half arse just like the car but without the waffle. site
  5. Thats what I was calling about. Will call again later.
  6. Have a set with half decent tyres for beers.
  7. westy

    Axle stands.

    Cant help but laugh at the colour of that diff.
  8. I dont have any work. Not that I've been looking.
  9. Some of his work is rough as guts!
  10. westy

    Axle stands.

    LOL at the nail. Maybe a panel pin even??
  11. This might be helpful 330 brake fitment. Larger diameter but thinner disc then M3.
  12. If they're off a 3.2lt they wont work. Are they 2 piece? 330 brakes fit.
  13. westy

    m3 diff swap

    Is it not possible to use a ratio from a different large case diff??
  14. You can't always rely on realoem. Some parts aren't listed, some apply to other variations etc.
  15. westy

    m3 diff swap

    I think you're right. Also, there isn't a speed signal from the E46 diff????
  16. westy

    Class Bores Me

    Sounds like a course for me then ha.
  17. A question worth asking.
  18. westy

    HB Heath (DRTDVL)

    Happy birthday fella. Do a skid. Oh yeah, FWD.
  19. Mine was here (2000 328) inside the front cowling behind the HVAC filter. Unless this is something else??
  20. Ha! I wonder how many times he got that wrong????
  21. Daym thats a nice engine! Hope you can pull it off. There will be electronic issues aplenty.
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