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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. Hi buddy, I have an E46 with that huge clown nose under the rearvision mirror. It certainly blinks intermittantly when the vehicle is locked & alarmed, but are you trying to get it to blink when you press the 'lock' button on your remote? (... and if so why would you want this?) Can't help with the auto lights, personally I wouldn't pay extra for this feature either.
  2. Bad news for you then about recent news articles sic.
  3. Gus you must have swallowed a really bitter pill recently... or keep getting out of bed on the wrong side (ie- into a wall). Most of your recent posts have been berating others. I'm sure bimmersport had only 13 members at its infancy. How about some respect?
  4. I agree with Ali, doesn't blow my whistle. How about you just put a big Type R sticker on the back, and AMG on your bootlid.
  5. ... and you weren't? :drugs:
  6. Bushmans recipie for Mouse Soup that I saw in an adventure magazine: Ingredients- 1 mouse assorted herbs boiling water Instructions- Skin the mouse, crush into a pulp (including bones) & leave in the sun to dry. Once dry, mix assorted herbs in boiling water. Throw away the gross dead mouse & drink the herbs in water.
  7. Well they banned bling from F1, maybe they'll do it for Manfeild too. Here's hoping.
  8. Even the dog looks embarassed to be there.
  9. ... or you could just go to http://www.onlineconversion.com/ For ALL your conversion needs
  10. I kinda like it, its slowly growing on me, like the new 5er & 7er. One parks next door to me at home, with an Msport kit on it it'd be a lot nicer, but aint that the case with most bimmers? Anyone got a picture of a new 7-series with a body kit on it?
  11. I count 58 members with at least 100 posts each.
  12. I think letting down other people's tyres has been done already. How about those toss pots who've been putting out Z-nails on the motorway & at the Basin roundabout?
  13. Financial Advisor, work for a relatively small (as in 130 total staff) group that solely looks after health professionals. Been there about 8 years.
  14. Those look severely rank to me... but each to their own. Many of the new Euro cars are coming out with LED brake lights, with varying brightness depending on how hard the driver brakes. The genuine ones look good I reckon.
  15. Tui Billboard: "I need to travel at 185kph to overtake trucks" Yeah Right. Just read an article about the Easter Road toll... where a young driver killed himself & 2 others when he went off the road: "The driver, Sebastian Sigamoney, 19, was a self-declared boy racer who had driven at speeds up to 200km/h and had told his parents he expected to die in a car crash. His parents said he had incurred speeding fines worth thousands of dollars."
  16. LOL Must have been before my time.I'd vote for taking down the pr0n AV, we have enough problems getting female members as it is.
  17. Whoa storm in a teacup over a slightly suggestive avatar. Firstly, BMW Power, regardless of whether men are into porn, all hetrosexual men think tits are great. They just are. It is something that women generally don't appear to understand... eg- my wife rolls her eyes every time she catches me 'checking her out.' But ahem... that isn't the point for discussion here. Its a question really of whether its appropriate to have sexual content on the board. This would have to be one of the most liberal boards I've seen to date when it comes to language & behaviour in general... insults, swearing, reckless driving, even Hondas appear to be tolerated. Though the whole 'sex' thing seems to be untested. Moderators, care to comment?
  18. Looks like brake failure to me. Check out the speed he's carrying into that corner relative to the other driver.
  19. Saw a red Mazda 6 that had pulled someone over on the motorway in Wellington a couple weeks back.
  20. shadowninja

    Stolen e46 m3

    Ya I toyed with that idea too... it's been there for a while. They often seem to have some interesting premium cars there, probably more as fun for the Gazeley boys than anything else. Shame about the red leather. Do you remember if its an NZ new or Japper? I think they wanted ~$80,000 or so for it didn't they?
  21. shadowninja

    Stolen e46 m3

    From the description sounds like Tory European.That Red 5-series is a genuine M5 btw.
  22. Sounds blatantly dishonest if true. What next, tradesmens vans, maybe a big rig truck? :thumb:
  23. Hosted by the NZ Silvia crew. http://www.nissansilvia.co.nz/images/AdelaideCrash.wmv
  24. Can someone with a recent Road Code please verify the overtaking thing, preferably without insulting Sic or Martyn's delicate sensibilities? I think there'd be a bunch of people here interested if it were true. So far as points go I'm pretty sure I'm sitting somewhere in the 1-25 mark, 115km on the motorway going down a slight hill on a beautiful sunny clear day with virtually no traffic. I'm pleasantly surprised by the number of clean licenses here... by the way some folk talk on here about their driving. Oh and Martyn you misspelled f**k.
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