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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. Haha... classy. I'm not going for the rangi option mate.
  2. Isn't that bit precious??? It's not like being married to two people at the same time ... or is it?? And for the record its spelled 'trubel'
  3. Nice ride matey. I've driven one of those, and found it quite 'sterile' to drive in comparison to a Bimmer. Kinda like the 'swiss watch' look of the dash instruments.
  4. I'm thinking of upgrading the head unit in my car to something that can handle MP3s. Would consider in-dash changer or even just single CDs. Any strong preferences out there?
  5. I drive a 2003 model of this car... and I have to say the E46 sedan is a very nice machine. The balance & handling is very good, especially with the M suspension upgrades. Great looking car too. You may be disappointed with the power of this car, the pre-2002 models were 1.9L (as opposed to 2003-2004 2.0L) ... the chassis can handle a lot more 'corruption.' I find myself wanting at least an extra 50 bhp for mine. Mine has been very reliable so far, though coming up on the expiry of the warranty & considering whether its worth the extra $$ to keep the BMW service plan going. Let me know if theres anything specific I can help out with.
  6. Was that the parking lot back from the street & behind the Saatchi's building or the one over by Les Mills & the reverse bungy?Sucks to have your wheels broken into regardless of the circumstances.
  7. Is that the carpark back & off the street .... or the one by Les Mills & the reverse bungy?Gutted to have your wheels broken into.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/07/19/most_stolen/index.html Some of those models aren't available in NZ (thank goodness) but interesting reading.
  9. Checked my fuel consumption for the last financial year (April 04 - March 05) and for around 12,500km I went through roughly $1800 of premium, or about 1500 litres at $1.20. That puts my average consumption at 12L / 100kph of almost entirely inner city driving. Perhaps I should upgrade to a 4.4L V8 to get Martyn's fuel consumption!
  10. shadowninja


    Glenn if you like Classic hits give Radio Hauraki a try, 93.1 I think it is. I've had it on in the car the last few weeks & they play some good sh!t. I'm also interested in a helmet but may not have the chance to get out this weekend.
  11. I think he was offering... not suggesting.
  12. He wasn't even driving it that well. Fastest corner = the smoothest corner & he's busy waggling it lock to lock just to keep it in a straight line. Agreed he is a better driver than Clarkson, who would have just spun it into a haze of burning donuts ...
  13. Save the $$ for your race training.
  14. Nice one... thats pretty darn good mileage for a 4.0L V8.
  15. Martyn to spare us the mental maths what does that equate to on a L / 100km basis? Curious to see what a 7-er will chug through on a regular basis.
  16. shadowninja

    Oem baby

    Contisports are awesome yes, but expensive!! I've gotta replace my front two feet soon(ish) & will have to price them out again to see if its worth it.
  17. 1,000 km in one weekend is a long way... thats Welly-Akld and back again. Open road driving shouldn't have that kind of fuel consumption unless you are on the wrong side of 100kph most of the time.
  18. Nice one Touring. BTW haven't seen you around for a while... where you been hiding?
  19. "In typical Lamborghini fashion, the terrific engine was mounted longitudinally behind the snug cockpit."http://www.autoswalk.com/bmwm1.html
  20. I'm guessing that means you drove the road, not the car!!
  21. Still looks better than the X3.
  22. My previous car was an S15 Silvia, great cars those. I also had it broken into, just the quarterglass but nothing taken. There are b@stards out there.
  23. Assuming you have no insurance cover? Rear quarter-glass should be easy & cheap to get replaced from somewhere like Autoglass. Not sure what a drivers side window goes for these days though. Bit of a bum rush there man, sorry about that. (moral of the story don't leave valuables in your car).
  24. Then why do you let them borrow it? Or do I hear a Tui Billboard coming up here... (yeah right)
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