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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. We feel your pain. The damage looks pretty minor but thats not the point eh! Shouldda got a test drive in the SLK to make up for it. 55AMG... supercharged V8 those things can move!
  2. I'd actually suggest taking off the banner... otherwise looks like an advertisement. and adding in more of the ghost people (like around the car etc) Its like having movement while standing still.
  3. Seriously though, looks hot. Makes your car look pretty hot too. That's pretty awesome that he did that for you for free. I really aught to get out & take some pics of my car some time... especially before I change it for something else.
  4. Shame about the city in the background... [sorry had to be said]
  5. The DB9 vs Train segment is on streaming video on the TG website.www.bbc.co.uk/topgear
  6. You can also get an Autocheck search done. I think these are available from post office outlets, though comes at a cost ($10-15 each?). That will give you an page with full details of your car, whether there is money owing on it, the previous owners & odometer readings at change of ownership & whether its been reported stolen.
  7. Probably the usual... gourmet meal & bottle of fine wine. Flowers (but not roses).
  8. Yeah I was thinking exactly the same thing.Perhaps it was a direct comparison...? :love:
  9. shadowninja


    LOL @ BMWs being good investments. I shake my head at all the cash I've spent on cars in the last 5 years.
  10. shadowninja


    "Gambling is just a tax on people who are bad at maths."
  11. All posts to date have focused almost entirely on maintenance costs. From a financial perspective, the total cost of a car should include: 1. Cost of money (ie- interest on borrowings, time/value money) 2. Depreciation (gradual loss of value over time) 3. Maintenance & Upkeep costs 4. Fixed running costs (eg- insurance, registration) 5. Variable running costs (eg- fuel, oil etc). For later model vehicles the depreciation factors in much more of an issue. When you sell the car further down the track the E36 should old more value than the E30 as later body shapes are generally more attractive. Maintenance & upkeep, just like all others on the board so far, old cars need care. Generally the older the car the higher portion of its value you need to spend each year in keeping it in good form. Unless there are fundamental shortfalls with the E36 again I would generally expect there to be lower upkeep costs. Having owned neither E30 nor E36 I can't comment on fuel efficiency. Either way, good luck with your new baby & be sure to get pics.
  12. Don't know... but speculating that it may be a front radar sensor (eg- measures distance to the car in front & maintains that while cruising on the open road). Undecided on the 7-series ... it does look so much better in the flesh than it does in print. Especially from behind the steering wheel. The final defining moment for Bangle will be later this year with the new 3-series release & how the public receives it.
  13. Dude what are you on...? I drive an E46 ... this particular car is an American car assembled in Australia, and his normal car is a Saab convertible. And anyway... nothing wrong with most Japanese cars, not even Honda CRX's. My previous car was Japanese (S15 200SX SR20DET) and it rocked hard.
  14. I'd say less than 80%+ of 3-series from E36 onwards that I've seen are auto, so would assume similar stats on E30's.
  15. shadowninja

    For $10k

    Personally for $10k I would stay well away from anything turbocharged especially something like an RS legacy. Scrounge for a decent VW Golf GTi, something fun but still has some practical value. The question doesn't specify if this is for a daily driver, or as a 2nd car etc.
  16. Just going by what my client said... had no reason not to believe him.Seems to have stood up to the beating fairly well, but a total write off of course.
  17. Fortunately this was 'just' a rental car... With a colour like that it was begging to be run off the road eh.
  18. Left the road @ about 100kph... Apparently it rolled 3 times, notice the door torn off in the accident.
  19. One of my clients was in this on New Years Eve. Forced off the road by another car. He walked away with just a cracked rib. & his GF was unscathed.
  20. I strongly disagree with this perspective.If everyone one was silent on issues that they had serious views about, but weren't ready to take the plunge where would we be? Nothing would ever change in this world, for better or for worse. In terms of the vid/conspiracy theory yeah its been out there for a year or more. We definitely don't know the whole story ... but if theres a missle there are a few obvious questions: 1. Where did the missle come from? 2. Who fired it? 3. Why did they fire it? 4. WTF happened to the plane & everyone on it?
  21. Learners license: Must be 15 years old to apply for license, and pass your theory test. After you get your learners license you can then learn to drive a vehicle while under supervision. Sorry but if if you're 14 in Feb you won't legally be able to learn how to drive until Feb next year... and then upgrade to your restricted in August 2006 all going well. http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/licensing/car/index.html
  22. Just pulling your leg man, 7-series are THE bimmers... the proper ones.We're not used to such classy cars on this board eh.
  23. Pfft 7-series... you call that a bimmer?
  24. And note the carefully blacked out pr0n websites that were blacked out at the bottom of that page eh sic. Welcome to the crew & happy motoring.
  25. Yeah the prices that the USA pays for new bimmers is so low its almost criminal. I guess its all about volumes though! $28k seems very low though. According to the info I have for US invoice prices the wholesale price for a new 330ci is $33,650 USD before options, with a retail price of $36,800 USD.
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