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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. Keep on 'em Pete. Most insurance companies have the discretion to meet a claim like this if it is clear that liability falls with an identified third party. That doesn't mean getting a signed statement from them, its a judgement call. FinTel doesn't have the most enviable reputation when it comes to claims. On your next contact make sure you ask them about all your avenues for complaints & resolution. Make a written complain, go through the mangagement chain, disputes tribunal, and if need be the banking & insurance ombudsman. Good luck.
  2. Also worth checking out the heater still works, as I've heard some hot-climate cars this can be an issue.
  3. Property prices is not a good indicator of inflation, as there are other factors involved. EG- house prices in the last year have risen substantially, though inflation was still under 3.0%. I used the CPI index from the reserve bank website that can be downloaded as an excel spreadsheet. Brand spanking new 318iSE 2.0L is about $72,000 for the manual. But if our exchange rate drops hugely vs the Euro (and the south african rand, as most of southern hemisphere bimmers are assembled there) then prices for our cars should go up again!
  4. 1989 320i Touring = $69,500.That would be one hell of a time machine to fit your wheels in it. Tardis time! :pimp:
  5. 1986 535i was $110,300. 1992 model was $145,000. Inflation doesn't quite work the same with cars, as technology improves the electronic components of cars get steadily cheaper to build. Exchange rates would make a big difference too. I haven't got inflation figures pre-1988 readily to hand, but from March 1988 to September 2004 the total effect of inflation would have been +54.4%. That would make a 1988 model 318i (then ~$53,500) about $82,350 in todays dollars.
  6. Modern turbos spool up from lower rev levels, to reduce/eliminate the feel of turbo lag. EG- my S15 200SX SR20DET turbo kicked in around 3000rpm. Got good gas consumption on the open road, (half a small tank Wellingon-Taupo) but shocking around town with stop-start accelaration.
  7. New prices as follow: 1989 318 $53,450 (4 door sedan) 1989 320 $61,950 1989 325 $72,750 1989 M325 $81,950 Couldn't find new price for 1989 M3, 1993 M3 coupe $150,000 M635 CSL $189,500 Any others in particular that you want?
  8. Actually I would support a cigar bar, as a place clearly intended for smoking. I would have a personal choice as to whether to go there or to another restaurant next door instead. And if you think the tax you're paying on ciggies is high, it still doesn't cover the wider health costs & social costs. You surely must know by now that smoking is one of the highest causes of preventable deaths in 1st world countries (ok and 2nd world countries like NZ). Indeed our current government is 'slightly left of centre' if you look at our economic policies, slightly more to the left on some social policies. Sure I'd support lower taxes (especially that stupid $60k+ bracket... USA doesn't have their top tax bracket kick in until $250k+ USD) and a lower dependence on social welfare... but it all contributes to a different culture in NZ. Having lived in the USA and the difference in medical care for most people, the lack of litigation, and the differences between the 'haves & have-nots' is so much small here.
  9. I've seen that car, used to hang out in Hataitai all the time not far from my house.
  10. My boss (ok the boss of my boss) just bought a 2002 M3 (20,000km) for just shy of $90,000. Buying a late model M5 for the same kinda cash seems like a bargin in comparison.
  11. Wait for a regime change to move back to NZ?? Most people realise how little different governments have on their day-to-day lives. Especially in NZ where the both major parties are so close to each other in fundamental policies its patently unfunny. We don't have a right wing & left wing here, we have a slightly-left-of-centre and a slightly-right-of-centre. Lets start a new thread bashing different countries for their idiosyncracies... [or not]. Back to the ciggies though... I think what people do in their own home etc is absolutely fine. Smoke a pack an hour for all I care. Just don't ruin my filet mignon at a restaurant with your fumes, don't use my tax dollars for your medical treatment, and don't crash into the back of my car because you lit your nuts on fire. (oh and NZ rocks, thats why I chose to live here!)
  12. Homy, there is one of these in Nelson at the Wearable Art centre... I saw it there last week. They have a classic car collection there about 30 cars.296cc, 13 bhp.
  13. Nortons Internet Security, incorporates firewall + virus, pop-up blockers etc. Highly rated by all the reviews I've seen. And it works! Its blocked so far around 900 attacks (mostly attempted trojan horse attacks) on our computer in the last month. Ah the joys of a fixed IP address.
  14. Cigarette smokers are social pariahs more than boy-racers even! I think I'd support the smoking ban while driving... the disgusting flicking butts out the window, the risk of dropping hot ash on your pants, etc. I saw a kid the other day driving around a 90 degree corner with a ciggy in one hand & texting with the other. Smoking joke: A woman walks up to the cigarette stand & chooses a pack of ciggies... it has a big black label that says "Smoking Kills." She frowns, puts it back & takes the next one. "Smoking causes heart disease" not good, frowns again & goes to the next one. "Smoking harms your baby while pregnant." Aha! says the lady, she's not pregnant, and buys the pack of cigarettes. Moral of the story, they can cost twice as much again, in black packs with a skull & crossbones on them called "Tumours" and people will still smoke em.
  15. Cop cars in Fairfax County, Virginia when I lived there were Volvo sedans.
  16. aliluya I had a look at the ODT website & couldn't find any details... but that website is frickin awesome! (The broadband version anyway)
  17. Looks like a scene from a low budget 80s horror movie. :thumb:
  18. ... you saying its better to stay with the 'stock factory' equipment... ???
  19. Silver E46 M3 yesterday... well it was in a BMW dealership though.
  20. Leather sports seats here too. Firmly packed so you don't slide around... and micro-holes in the leather so it still breathes. Its all good. If it were a choice between leather & sports ... I think I'd go the leather way. Pimp stylz :pimp:
  21. Blair Wright - excellent though pricy Arlington Motors - like to think of themselves as euro specialists Barry Mansfield - pretty average but reasonable in cost Marment Panel & Paint - good courtesy car service Sounds like the work you want to do is pretty minor, so long as the paint match is done right.
  22. Would not knowingly spend money on eminem. I only white rappers I'd spend cash on is the Beastie Boys.
  23. Some b@stard painted your computer purple Andrew... that would explain it.
  24. Un peu de sophistication Clik?? :drugs:
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