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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. Haha very good, I didn't spot that. Who would have thought $3k cheaper for the coupe. Why are they always more expensive these days???
  2. $10k by my measure: $86,390 vs $76,670 http://www.redbook.co.nz/vehiclesearch/com...AK&key=BMW+87AL Napier, the twin turbo V8 sounds like a rocket... are you sure it wasn't an RS6??
  3. Thanks Martyn, yeah I've seen the Redbook website, and I'm trying to convince my company to get the commercial subscription for accurate 2nd hand valuation information. I think it is around $700 per year. I already have access to the Baycorp online system, that includes a rough estimation of wholesale & retail values of cars. The 'Invoice' price is just for new vehicles, in the States its becoming closer to common knowledge & often deals for new cars are made at "$500 above invoice" etc.
  4. Does anyone know if there is information readily available as to 'dealer invoice' prices in New Zealand? I know in the USA there are two numbers, the MSRP (suggested retail price) and the INVOICE price (ie- the price that the car costs to the individual dealer from the manufacturer). Later this year I'll be looking at buying another car, most likely replacing my current wheels. I'd be considering a bunch of different things, the new 3-series should be out in May 2005... may even look at the new Audi A4 due out in March (blasphemy I know on a BMW board).
  5. shadowninja

    New Year

    Went to a 'fondue party' with some friends... was pretty cruizy & had some interesting cocktails. Recommended: 'Mojito' Ingredients: 2-3 oz Light rum Juice of 1 Lime (1 oz) 2 tsp Sugar 2-4 Mint sprigs Soda water Mixing instructions: Lightly muddle the mint and sugar with a splash of soda water in a mixing glass until the sugar dissolve and you smell the mint. Squeeze the lime into the glass, add rum and shake with ice. Strain over cracked ice in a highball glass. Top with soda water, garnish with mint sprig and serve.
  6. Wow this thread got all angry & sh!t when I wasn't looking. I'm not one to get all righteous about how wrong it is to speed, because I'm guilty of breaking the posted limit every now and then. Usually its while overtaking a slow vehicle on a ridiculously short passing lane. I don't have a 100% clean license either ... My last ticket was while going 115 on the motorway, three empty lanes down a hill with clear visibility for africa. Those are the types of tickets that give cops a bad name... I don't think any of us begrudge the tickets handed out to the boyracer driver with a souped up car sorry sic going at 150kph in a 50 zone. I don't envy the cops job, with quotas to fill & 80% of the time they're dealing with the most rotten 10% of the populace, but sometimes there are less justified tickets written. My $0.02 ... 1. We need to drive not just within our own limits, but also those of the unpredictable drivers around us. 2. Kiwi roads are in need of major upgrades before any increase in speed limits be considered. 3. One of the main reasons the death toll hasn't increased dramatically along with the number of cars on the road is because of passive safety features (eg- airbags) not because we're driving any better. 4. If you are having trouble staying under the limits with your current car, consider buying one with less horsepower (thats what I did).
  7. Umm based on that an E46 would be... what?
  8. I'd call bollocks on 1 star for the new 5 series. I'd expect around 4. For current models the following ANCAP ratings: 3 series - 4 X5 - 5 Z4 - 4 Mini - 4 No rating on the LTSA website for the new 5 series. I remember reading an article about a new model of BMW when it got 4 stars, BMW's comment was "you need to take into account the active safety features as well as passive ones" ie- the stability control, traction control etc.
  9. At a NY Eve party last night I saw a copy of the 'Dog & Lemon' guide to cars ... of course first thing I did is turn to the bimmer section. One thing that surprised me is that in terms of safety the E36 rated WORSE than the E30. In fact the E36 was rated one star out of five. Both E30 & E36 were rated overall a "not recommended" followed by the E46 that rated "good, but god help you if something goes wrong with it."
  10. From your description of likely use 3.1MP will do you just fine. Not sure what it means about capturing up to 5.1MP, but could be to do with the digital zoom *shrug* If you're not intending to print pics out or ultra-hi-res just go for a decent brand 3.1 with sufficient zoom to suit your purposes.
  11. That ride looks pretty good... but sure as sh!t isn't in NZ based on the license plate. Aged soft top expect problems with leakage. In my most humble opinion convertibles are SO not worth it in NZ, we just don't get enough nice weather days to justify it. Unless its a 2nd/3rd car (ie- have something different for your everyday ride).
  12. Gus... where were you last night?? [from CNN] "A fuel tanker truck with a suicide bomber on board exploded Friday in an affluent western Baghdad neighborhood, killing eight people and wounding 20, a Yarmouk Hospital spokesman said. The police said there could be another fuel truck in the area, and authorities also were on the lookout for a BMW vehicle they believe is associated with the attack." http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/12/24/...main/index.html
  13. Soz Gus, based on that Resume I don't think many insurers would provide you with full cover, especially not for a 'performance' european car... not without charging a third of the value of the car in premiums with a hefty excess to boot. In which case you have to wonder whether its worth it. Say $6k car, $2k premium, $2k excess... you'd only get $2k back if it fell off the road in the first year. Merry Xmas.
  14. How old are you Gus, and what is your driving history (speeding tickets, fines, and accidents)? I used to work claims, and still work in financial services. Ellie is spot on in her description of the covers. BTW some companies won't offer "agreed value" covers unless you supply a written vehicle valuation (at your own cost). Looking at what companies pay in claims for under-25 males its amazing they can get cover at all (much less those with a substandard history).
  15. My wife insisted that I take them down after about 60 seconds... because SHE found them too distracting as the passenger!
  16. (oh and I got some today for my $5 secret santa pressie)
  17. I'd heard these were illegal in some parts of the world. What say you all?
  18. Not so my friend... if there was a cop on the side of the road... (after dropping his donut in his lap) would have taken off & ticketed the car he got to first. Ie- the one behind.
  19. I was going to say a new blender or a CRX... [as the Tui billboards would say... Yeah Right.]
  20. I went for the Sony DSC W-1. Good reliable & easy to use. Easy to upload pictures but you'll need some software like photoshop for editing stuff. 6x zoom 5.1Megapixels good camera. Best place I found for pricing cameras was www.digitalcameras.co.nz They do dutyfree if you have the chance to leave the country.
  21. Looking pretty sweet. Those rims are badass too. :thumb:
  22. shadowninja

    auckland v8's

    Full page Ad in todays newspaper: "Auckland you can keep the flower show" (We'll have the V8's) :thumb:
  23. Should be pretty easy to find decent 18" rims (eg- M3 style wheels) but if you don't like the 19" that the mag/alloy shops sell here you're probably up for an internet search IMO. PS nice wheels, post a pic?
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