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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. shadowninja


    Haha the sound in that clip is hystical when in slo-mo. Poor kanga.
  2. Damn that sucks. Hope you're ok. T-bones are nasty... even if the chassis & pillars are ok the panel damage alone may write-off your car. 37South did you get the rego number?
  3. Its a new kind of SMG transmission from the phillipines.
  4. This site is awesome if you have a good internet connection. http://www.compfused.com/archives/Videos/1/ Here are two examples: Awesome Rally Car Crashes: http://www.compfused.com/directlink/281/ Missing scene from Star Wars: http://www.compfused.com/directlink/293/
  5. shadowninja


    Now you just need to spill a bit of gasoline around the room for the authentic smell & surround yourself with drunken aussie louts.
  6. Are you sure you have a 5 speed auto for a '91 model 320?
  7. shadowninja


    You think the V8 series is boring... how about the American Indi series where they have an OVAL track, big banked corners just going around & around & around & around... (seriously how much fun can that be?)But damn they pull the crowds for some reason.
  8. 5 speed auto (steptronic) here. Seeing as I drive a lot during my day for work auto is the way to go. Would definitely have a manual for a second weekend car.
  9. Though common place in Hamil-tron, it looks like they find it out of place in Dunedin. Too cold I guess. The article says you were naked ... so I guess its ok seeing as you weren't wearing a bimmersport sticker. (surely someone here must have a picture of Gus wearing nothing but a bimmersport sticker).
  10. 'Pirate' found naked on the roof 27 September 2004 A 28-year-old man spent time in a police cell yesterday, after he was discovered naked on the roof of a South Dunedin building. Senior Sergeant Steve Aitken said the man appeared to be affected by a hallucinogenic drug and his bizarre behaviour continued once at the police station. "He believed he was a pirate at sea and was using a rolled up magazine as a telescope." The man was charged with disorderly behaviour.
  11. Have you not heard of Chicken McNuggets ?? :confused: That is pretty gross eh. Speaking of fast food, has anyone else seen that movie 'Super-Size Me' ?? :thumb:
  12. Fair call, and I'd probably rather they weren't posted on here anyway as they're pretty personal.I've sent a handful onto aliluya & clik, and will send them to others on this board who want them on the basis that they are not distributed further.
  13. LOL @ has my mum seen it. But my granny hasn't, so don't go telling her. I have other pics of the cutting process, but those are pretty gross & probably wouldn't post them unless you guys were ultra-keen.
  14. Its a scarring not a tat or branding, done with scalpels. Took about an hour... and yes it hurt like crap. Especially when they rub the salt in (means it doesn't heal over, & creates the keloid scarring) The symbol is the chinese character for 'dragon.'
  15. No tats. I have a scarring though.
  16. 'IGTHOZ' Thought some of you boys would appreciate it.
  17. Bring on the armour! Haha imagine getting in & out of a bimmer in a set of traditional japanese battle armour....
  18. Well! Wasn't this a bit of a surprise. Some serious & reasoned discussion for a change. **breath of fresh air enters the room** In many ways I agree with you Damien. So many martial arts have been diluted to the point where they have become 'sport' either for fitness or entertainment, and pay only tacit dues to their original roots. Some retain rigours of discipline, and some go further to instill the ethos of budo in the serious practitioners. Regretfully our 'modern western society' recognises most old forms of martial arts as violent. That has meant much of the full contact training styles have turned into sport versions. Just look at a classic karate kumite: a half-point for a hit, a full point for a decisive hit, and penalties if there is sufficient force as to potentially injure your opponent. As Pirelli would say, "Power is nothing without control." But most old-school karate styles wre designed for one-hit-one-kill, with armour. Martial arts are so much more than the combinations of movements and forms. Tradition is a strong part of the arts, yet this is what appears to isolate many modern practitioners as the values behind the traditions no longer exist. Bujinkan training retains full contact training, including throws, locks, strikes, etc. Indeed it really does boil down to the inspiration of the instructor. But that is just a chain, in that the instructors of today will only ever be as good as the instructors that passed on that knowledge. If I think of the instructors I have learned from, my first Bujinkan sensei taught me the most. These days he is shidoshi-kai (5th dan), after spending some years training in the grand-masters dojo in Japan. Personally I've been training on & off for around 10 years, and have 'tasted' aikido, tae kwon do & one school of kung fu. However most instructors I have found to be enthusiastic, but uninspiring. Whoa, just realised I wrote an essay there. Maybe we should start a new thread.
  19. That would be my badass black belt grading cert in Bujinkan Kobudo (ninjutsu). I've studied a few other martial arts, but ninjutsu would definitely be my preference. I haven't trained regularly for over a year now. The Bujinkan is an international martial arts organization, which is based on fighting tactics from nine ryu-ha (traditions, schools) that were established in ancient Japan. These nine schools stretch as far back as the 7th century. In the past the Bujinkan has been solely associated with the art of Ninjutsu, but actually it is derived of fighting styles of the nine schools and only three of these schools emphasis Ninjutsu, the remaining six emphasis on the mainstream bujutsu (martial techniques). [from an Adelaide Bujinkan Dojo site]
  20. *drool* Oh I'm sure I could convince my wife to sell our house & buy this instead.
  21. Gourmet Food Fine Wine Movies Music Martial Arts :thumb:
  22. I can understand mechanical stuff being changed altering a warranty, but changing mags?? Seems harsh to me. Aliluya if you're changing the lights through the dealer it shouldn't affect the factory warranty.
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