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Everything posted by speakeasy

  1. lol poor old gus...
  2. lol yea i wondered why id shaved a second of my 0-100 times... damned heavy glove box...
  3. this is just my point of view... while i agree there isnt a whole lot of promise as far as leaders for new zealand goes i reckon brash is headed the right way, esp with abolishing special rights, be it for black white red yellow whatever. not wanting to offend anyone, and not generalising a people but i also think the treaty needs to be put to rest, while yes, its a shame that the maoris got shafted, for f**ks sake it was overa century ago, its just not relevant anymore... i dont care how hard done by someones great great great great great grandfather was, get job ffs, like everybody else and stop asking for handouts. how will new zealand move in to the future as a country if were still arguing about who gets what from 1846? (that was the treaty right? if not, substitute 1846 for true treaty date.)
  4. ive seen a few sweet dashes in my days of sifting round stripped bmws, so that shouldnt be a problem. and if your made of money having someone put it in isnt a problem. but if its DIY, sucks to be you. i struggle to think of more frustrating jobs than fiddling with electrics in the dash... then again i dont have a whole lot of patience... that could explain why i havent put my glove box back in since august......
  5. haha and one that dosent mind a bit of the ruff stuff, you know just to keep her in line, and to make sure your the one driving daddys car...
  6. ahh the exploits of gus... striking terror in to the hearts of e30 engines everywhere.... brace looks good grant, tell us how it goes....
  7. is it just me... or does the driver look exactly like gus??? wow thats incredible! gus, gus, is that you? hahahaha
  8. dont harman do a gull wing v12 e46 m3??
  9. 200 penises taken!!! hahahahaahahaha (muhaha)
  10. gus first in first served stop whoring mah bizz' i took the glove box out to get to the heater core, only i lost the metral bracket whilst moving, and know i cant but my car togther.... so, any one got one for ME, not gus?
  11. at the end of the day if moneys the problem in choosing between some snatch and a ride think of it this way, if your cars playing up, you cant just slap the sh*t out of and it'll come right, where as you can with a girl. so if your hard up for cash get a bitch with a ride and your sweet both ways... who would say such a thing...
  12. true, those kits named are excellent quality, fit, look etc... but beggars cant be choosers, and jesus you'd have to sell at least... 3 vital organs to afford many of said kits. except zenders awful square light conversion. someone would prob pay you to take it off their hands...
  13. speakeasy


    seeing as no one else has... shotgun eyelids if the aint already sold...
  14. ha i was waaaay ahead o you guys on that one. had one for ages. i could never figure why bmw would see fit to neglect a cup holder??? can anyone shed any light on it?
  15. yo i just need the bracket that screws up under the dash that meets the lock on the glove box door... if you know what im talking about and have one hookabrother up on 021 183 3501. ask for jack. sweet.
  16. yo nobody likes feeling stupid right? noone likes to be made fun of, correct? it makes you wonder what it is exactly some people think when they buy a car, or a body kit... they must think it looks sweet, or they wouldnt drive it right? so what do they think people are doing when their laughing and pointing at said awful car? or even more frightening... what if you were one of those people who dont know they suck? how would you know? after all you think your cars cool. what else could you be mistaken about? .....are you wearing stupid clothes too? ....have a stupid hair cut? ....smell nasty? .....do you even have friends or do they just tolerate you??? ....oh god, what if thats me..... *sobs quietly in uncertainty*
  17. your goddamned right they are...but total pwns performance. bloody performance bmw... like i care about a sacked 318 with a sub and flip paint....
  18. speakeasy

    1000 posts

    not far off...only eight hundred and a bit left for me....
  19. speakeasy

    320i to 325i

    yea, theres alot more 325 manuals coming up these days, but that doesnt mean there all ones youd actually wana own.....
  20. holy sh*t. ive got a semi. yo how are you finacing the work???
  21. speakeasy


    sik bma used to flat with a friend of mine, its an old 320, with a f**k off loud exhaust... its aight, if bright blue old's are your thing...
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