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This is why!

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Guest Simon*

This is tragic :(

I'm pleased that he's fronted up and taken responsibility right from when it happened. But yes, inexperience, uncerted suspension mods and a bit of lazy drifting in the wet definitely at fault here.

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I always had a feeling this guy was driving like a moron, and there you have it.

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He looks like a super cheap auto salesman

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I know this guy personally and I can assure you has definately learnt his lesson and is pretty cut up about it all. No excuses for it though.

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I truely couldn't give a flying **** if he admited guilt from the start or not. He is a f**kwit and was doing something only a f**kwit would do. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the dickhead doesn't see 1 day inside because he "learnt his lesson", what the f**k ever. In my opion he should be locked away until the day Nayan Woods's mum forgets what happened to her son, since that will never happen then f**k him he can stay locked up.

My 2c, yes i'm arrogant but i don't give a f**k, you put yourself in the position of Emma and Jacob Woods who saw a son and brother die.

Edited by bellicose

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There's no point feeling bad about it after the event. Need to think more about what the possible effects could be before doing things like that in a car.

People need to realise that whilst drving a car they are controlling something which can easily maim or kill others, and it should be treated with the respect that deserves.

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I truely couldn't give a flying **** if he admited guilt from the start or not. He is a f**kwit and was doing something only a f**kwit would do. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the dickhead doesn't see 1 day inside because he "learnt his lesson", what the f**k ever. In my opion he should be locked away until the day Nayan Woods's mum forgets what happened to her son, since that will never happen then f**k him he can stay locked up.

My 2c, yes i'm arrogant but i don't give a f**k, you put yourself in the position of Emma and Jacob Woods who saw a son and brother die.

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In my opion he should be locked away until the day Nayan Woods's mum forgets what happened to her son,

Amazingly, I remember her publicly forgiving him immediately following the accident (and no, that's not the same as forgetting but amazing that she could forgive).

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I'm with bellicose. Seen too many mangled bodies to care about what these shits say once caught. Throw the book at him, crush the car and send the key to the bottom of the Pacific.

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Yeah we should all "chill" when some dickhead does something he knows is stupid / dangerous. I guess we should all just say "It's ok mate you said you've learnt your lesson, and you did say you were at fault (even tho' people saw him so he couldn't deny it) so it's ok we'll just give you a couple of weekends community service"

Well F**K that. New Zealanders as a whole are just not passionate enough about this sh*t and that's why these f**k heads continue to kill people.

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^^ I agree.

People get off too lightly here. (not just this, everything in general pretty much)

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Yep - with John on this. I bet too that Marcus has seen more than he wants to of the human carnage that is created by these antics.

The sooner NZ (& the world for that matter) gets over the PC bulshit the better off we will be

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The lowered suspension allows the car to slide more easily but it was only suitable for restricted areas and not on public roads.

It's comments like that - that really really piss me off.

No lowered suspension doesn't make the car slide more easy... it's how the whole thing is set up FFS

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I think it is a given that the guy acted like an idiot.

He is clearly remorseful.

He has spent a lot of time with the family of the boy he killed, and has agreed to do whatever the family and/or courts want.

The family have made it publicly clear that they do not want him to do time.

He deserves to pay the consequences, and he made a stupid decision, however I respect his attempt to undo as much of the damage as he can.

Jail time will likely achieve noting IN THIS INSTANCE and so with the families blessing, as a citizen I can accept that he won't do time.

I suspect that he will serve any alternative sentence willingly.

I do not feel at all sorry for him.

Getting all het up about it isn't going to achieve anything either.

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Yeah we should all "chill" when some dickhead does something he knows is stupid / dangerous. I guess we should all just say "It's ok mate you said you've learnt your lesson, and you did say you were at fault (even tho' people saw him so he couldn't deny it) so it's ok we'll just give you a couple of weekends community service"

Well F**K that. New Zealanders as a whole are just not passionate enough about this sh*t and that's why these f**k heads continue to kill people.

No, i think that a heated argument over an incident that you know little about is pointless. Its obvious that he will never be able to forget about his actions that day, and he will be haunted by those memories for the rest of his life. He made a stupid decision and he was severely unlucky to have those dire consequences, and in every way he is responsible. He obviously knows this as hes accepted responsibility for everything, this is more than saying "im at fault", accepting responsibility is conveying the fact that he is willing to do as much as he can possibly do to rectify the situation, and i'm sure the sentence will represent this.

If you're going to tell me that hundreds of years ago when you were the same age as him, you were a model citizen abiding by every single rule of the road, then you are the f**k head. I'm sick of reading your psyco rants.

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I truely couldn't give a flying **** if he admited guilt from the start or not. He is a f**kwit and was doing something only a f**kwit would do. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the dickhead doesn't see 1 day inside because he "learnt his lesson", what the f**k ever. In my opion he should be locked away until the day Nayan Woods's mum forgets what happened to her son, since that will never happen then f**k him he can stay locked up.

My 2c, yes i'm arrogant but i don't give a f**k, you put yourself in the position of Emma and Jacob Woods who saw a son and brother die.

Bit angry, though i fully agree!!!

What im wondering is how the hell is he out and about walking until October 30th...if i kiled someone whether with a punch a baseball bat or a gun, i'm fairly sure i won't be getting bail for 3 months...fricked riddiculous!!

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No, i think that a heated argument over an incident that you know little about is pointless.

Too be honest my man, i don't think it matters how much we know about this incident just that a 18 year old boy racer in an illegally modified car killed a young child and hurt his brother and mother.

Whether he has learnt a lesson is beyond the point...he killed someone, what he pays back to society or how he feels is nothing compared to what the family of this young boy is going through or will always go through.

my 0.2

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I guess most people here have never done a skid.

I am the first to say I have done exactely the same thing as what he was doing. It came down to skill - practice and a lot of luck that I never hit anyone and I did it in heaps of crap that wouldn't even be allowed on the roads today.

Thats my 2c

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What im wondering is how the hell is he out and about walking until October 30th...if i kiled someone whether with a punch a baseball bat or a gun, i'm fairly sure i won't be getting bail for 3 months...fricked riddiculous!!

The nature of the crime is different. He did not intentionally go out and kill/injure. All young people do things that are stupid on a certain level. No one plans to lose control on situations when they do stupid sh*t in cars.

This guy needs to pay for his mistake, and hopefully this incident will be in young people's minds, or any drivers, that you should think before you floor it, turn sharply, do a skid etc.

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Bit angry, though i fully agree!!!

What im wondering is how the hell is he out and about walking until October 30th...if i kiled someone whether with a punch a baseball bat or a gun, i'm fairly sure i won't be getting bail for 3 months...fricked riddiculous!!

I'd rather have him out and about considering he isn't a threat anymore. I bet he isn't driving any cars, and he is no more likely to do anything illegal than any other random person on the street who isn't driving.

It's better him out than paying for him to be in prison for no reason until Oct 30th.

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I think it is a given that the guy acted like an idiot.

He is clearly remorseful.

He has spent a lot of time with the family of the boy he killed, and has agreed to do whatever the family and/or courts want.

The family have made it publicly clear that they do not want him to do time.

He deserves to pay the consequences, and he made a stupid decision, however I respect his attempt to undo as much of the damage as he can.

Jail time will likely achieve noting IN THIS INSTANCE and so with the families blessing, as a citizen I can accept that he won't do time.

I suspect that he will serve any alternative sentence willingly.

I do not feel at all sorry for him.

Getting all het up about it isn't going to achieve anything either.

I can understand the anger about this, but agree with Bravo on this matter and in this instance. If the guy had shown none or very little remorse then I would be a lot more angry.

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That picture of the guy doesn't illustrate to me that he's remorseful. Looks like a f**ken egg to be fair, if someone killed my little boy doing that I'd be taking matters into me own hands as no amount of punishment would be fair.

EDIT because I think this post needs to be f**ked off.

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It's clearly obvious you don't have children.

I guess most people here have never done a skid.

We've all done it mate, but there's a time & a place & that place isn't in a heavily built up area.

Edited by Clinton

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