Apex 693 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 I don’t know if this is general discussion but it does involve BMW’s, 34 of them. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/ar...jectid=10706548 Would liked to be the broker on that sale. It must be the right wing and BMW fan in me but I can’t see how this is a bad thing at all. Go the Government, im happier seeing tax money being spent on BMW’s than on doll bludgers and slutty mums. Oh and if you want a 2009 Silver 730dL there will be a whole heap for sale soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Right wing?? As I understand it, this was part of the deal when Labour bought the first set of 7ers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matt45 1 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 ahh why is everyone moaning ... as i read it they are already bound by a contract that labour signed to renew them so it's not like they have much of a choice? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaz 1066 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 They had the option to renew so they didnt have to. I would much rather see them rolling around in BMW's that a rubbish Toyota or Falcodorre. Our govt is already the laughing stock of the world Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Our govt is already the laughing stock of the world Bullshit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
briancol 3 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 I am quite sure you will find that the Government has NOT bought 34 BMW's, rather they have leased them, a very big difference. I'm sure that all this is just media hype and bullsh*t. Sure, the Government has ordered 34 new Beemers, but to tell the public that they were bought (ie paid for in their entirety) is totally irresponsible and misleading. Normal proceedure with a leased vehicle is that it is replaced after 3 years. This gives the lease company the opportunity to maximise their return on the old car as the residual value on a high end luxury car is still reasonably high. By leasing, the Government gets the tax write-off from the lease payments (yes the Government do pay taxes) and they save money on maintenance as the cars are still under warranty and will be on a maintenance contract. So don't get taken in by these media lies, the Government has done what any normal business would do and rolled over the contract. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E30-323ti 66 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) It must be the right wing and BMW fan in me but I can’t see how this is a bad thing at all. Go the Government, im happier seeing tax money being spent on BMW’s than on doll bludgers and slutty mums. Except, they aren't trading in the doll bludgers & slutty mums, so we will have both on the books.... It is a bit unfortunate that the renewal has come up now, and I bet Labour are pleased with the picture it paints for national at the present time, given that most go-averages will just see it as the govt spending and not the contractual arrangement Labour set in place, also that while they prob. could break the contract and by a fleet of Great Wall SUV's for 1/10 the spend it will cost them $$$ to do so. Finally, I guess the discount on the F01's wasn't as good as the old E65's...... No doubt it was discount now, full price on the next ones edit: + What COSMOS said Edited February 15, 2011 by E30-323ti Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex 693 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 My thoughts exactly Brain, they will be getting a sweet lease deal from BMW. It’s just media hype, the breakfast show on TV is really good at it, every day they fill your average Kiwi’s head with what they want you to believe. Makes for great conversation though. Right wing?? As I understand it, this was part of the deal when Labour bought the first set of 7ers. It is indeed worrying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellicose 9 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 doll bludgers and slutty mums. HOLY F*CK, Those few words have just confirmed to the rest of the world what they have thought. BMW owners ARE snobby, ignorant, arrogant, opinionated pricks. Who the f*ck are you to judge other people? I've been on the dole (notice the correct spelling there Graham) a couple of times in my life, does that make me a bludger? I thought i was arrogant pfft. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Maybe he doesn't like dolls? Anyway, couldn't give two little pygmy f**ks what they buy tbh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant 4 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) This thread is awesome. Also, I don't feel entitled to have an opinion on this. I didn't bother to vote in the last election (even though I could have from afar). Edited February 15, 2011 by Grant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex 693 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 HOLY F*CK, Those few words have just confirmed to the rest of the world what they have thought. BMW owners ARE snobby, ignorant, arrogant, opinionated pricks. Who the f*ck are you to judge other people? I've been on the dole (notice the correct spelling there Graham) a couple of times in my life, does that make me a bludger? I thought i was arrogant pfft. I thought dole grew pineapples. The irony is that a lot of the scum that sticks around work and income in my town drive BMW’s too. I don’t give a f**k if you were unemployed and required assistant from the government but thanks for sharing. Oh and I don’t even own a BMW, I have a 1.3 Corolla, the people at the dole office mostly have better cars than me I have a good feeling about this thread, politics always gets people fired up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 HOLY F*CK, Those few words have just confirmed to the rest of the world what they have thought. BMW owners ARE snobby, ignorant, arrogant, opinionated pricks. Who the f*ck are you to judge other people? I've been on the dole (notice the correct spelling there Graham) a couple of times in my life, does that make me a bludger? I thought i was arrogant pfft. +1 I got to say that original comment was pretty ignorant It seems people that havent needed govt assist. before think that the local winz office is full of degenarates and bludging single mothers. I know a lot of single mothers that need a benefit and its not because they are bludgers or slutty its generally because the father wasnt man enough to stick around and help raise the child. albeit the decent people:scumbag ratio is low ha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M3_Power 636 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) Would liked to be the broker on that sale. It's a BMW NZ deal - none of the dealerships got this one ... Hate to say this, but the Labour Government had good tastes picking Bimmers Actually had one follow behind me on Sunday, I am pretty sure it was John Key ... kept trying to slow down to get a better glimps, but everytime I did the 7 series would slow down (I was in the lane next to it and it would always keep just behind me and never next to me). I must have looked too dodgy Edited February 15, 2011 by M3_Power Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DRTDVL 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 I think you will find most people don't give a sh*t about the people who use the dole for what it was originally intended for - a temporary helping hand. People have issues with the fact that people are on the dole for multiple years at a time, If you can't find a job after 6 months there is something wrong with you... I know of one guy who lost his jobs as architects and was working in McDonald while looking for other architectural jobs. It was a job, end of story. I've got two cousins who are too proud to work in a lowly job - they have no qualifications but thing warehouse jobs, cafe/fast food jobs, cleaning jobs, etc... are beneath them. One's been on the dole for 6 yrs or so (longer i think), she's got 2 kids, her long term partner is listed as a flatmate to work the system so she gets dpb. It's people like that and that lady on Campbell live the other night who's just had her 6th child while on the dole/dpb that Apex was referring too. When people comment on Dole Bludgers and Slutty Mom's that who they are refer to. If you get your knickers in a twist - get over it... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaz 1066 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Bullshit. You sir, have a valid arguement, I don't know how to rebutt. Perhaps I should have worded it slightly different to help prevent the using shitslinging that occurs in any politcal threads. Many countries already view NZ as the Henery Hawk to Foghorn Leghorn and I would be embarrassed to see our leaders driving around is some pathetic little Toyota. This world has become far too PC but we already knew that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex 693 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Or a Lexus. Dog and Lemon Guide editor Clive Matthew Wilson said the vehicles were "a relic of the age before the finance sector crash" and he noted the Government could have bought Lexus vehicles "for half the price". That guy is such a Cocklozenge. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant 4 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 That guy is such a Cocklozenge.That I will offer an opinion on, and that opinion is that I couldn't agree more! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 You sir, have a valid arguement, I don't know how to rebutt. Perhaps I should have worded it slightly different to help prevent the using shitslinging that occurs in any politcal threads. Many countries already view NZ as the Henery Hawk to Foghorn Leghorn and I would be embarrassed to see our leaders driving around is some pathetic little Toyota. This world has become far too PC but we already knew that. What would you rather? The govt of Liberia perhaps? Egypt? Iran? anything ending in stan? the US even? We have one of the cleanest governments, if not the cleanest government in the world. It would be the envy of billions of people around the world. Therefore, in summery, I call bullshit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jacko 2190 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 You guys who are bashing dole bludgers for sucking up the goverments funds have it a bit backwards, I used to do it too. I cant remember the actual figures off the top of my head, but dole bludgers and sickness benefit's didnt even come close to the money spent on pensions. Bashing old people for taking all the money isnt exactly tasteful though... Didnt the NZ police get offered 5 series awhile ago but settled on falcodores simply because of the public perception of cops in bimmers? Cocklozenge <- Epic word of the day! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant 4 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) http://www.crookedbrains.net/2008/01/offic...state-cars.html I have no idea how out of date or accurate it is, but it was interesting and along the lines what what I would have suspected. Edit: Found this too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_state_car Edited February 15, 2011 by Grant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E30 325i Rag-Top 2976 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 ^^ Interesting how many country's governments use cars that are manufactured in their own country, Germany, Uk, Japan, Russia, USA, etc. Whilst NZ doesn't have it's own car industry anymore there are many jobs here that are directly linked to the manufacturers in Aussie, shame this deal didn't support those jobs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy 614 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 ^^ Interesting how many country's governments use cars that are manufactured in their own country, Germany, Uk, Japan, Russia, USA, etc. Whilst NZ doesn't have it's own car industry anymore there are many jobs here that are directly linked to the manufacturers in Aussie, shame this deal didn't support those jobs. To be fair though, neither the Commodore nor the Falcon are made in limo spec anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant 4 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 (edited) ^^ Interesting how many country's governments use cars that are manufactured in their own country, Germany, Uk, Japan, Russia, USA, etc. Whilst NZ doesn't have it's own car industry anymore there are many jobs here that are directly linked to the manufacturers in Aussie, shame this deal didn't support those jobs. On a semi-related note, I found it interesting that one of the news websites here ran an article on what the main high profile candidates in the recent mid-term elections here drove (as their personal cars).Most of them during the campaign effort drove US cars. However, the article also pointed out what these candidates had driven prior to the campaign effort, and many of them had switched to US cars from other, mainly European, brands. Edited February 15, 2011 by Grant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellicose 9 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 Seems most dictatorships and rulers of third world countries prefer euros. I guess New Zealand government fits right in then. Chilien (sp?) president FTW, Ford Fairlane 'vert. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites