After taking a brake from the projects for a while and then finishing off the Track Daily, I started back on this ol thing. However with my wedding coming up in 6 weeks, I was forced to slightly alter the project and start again. Not ideal, but it was going to be easier and faster getting the wedding car look I want.
I purchased a mint running E28 off trade me, with 22 years of proven service history and mechanical up keep. The body wasn't in great condition in some places due to rust, but that was perfect for me.
Drove the car around for a week or two, headed to Hamilton and Themes and was very happy with it, so have decided to keep the 2.5 (2.7) in it for now and run it till it dies, then look at the V8 option again, only this time ill get one out of an E32 or E34. Other V8 is up for sale on trade me now
Ive pulled off most of the rusted parts from original car and will just use these rather than re rusting the other parts. Started cutting up the rear quarters to make way for the wide arches to fit the wider wheels.
Jacked the wheel hub to get an idea of droppage, still has approx. 30mm to go for full slam.
Fronts all welded, painted up and will installed this weekend after ive done the front flaring of the guards
Should have a fully slammed and Patina Rusta-Rod before too long