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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It's been a little quiet in here... https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1462217365.htm This would be fun :-)
  2. 2 points
    I fapped all over my X5 Got me a new water blaster and foam jizzy thing this weekend
  3. 1 point
    Hey guys, I've just got myself an m135i. Loving it so far! Rob
  4. 1 point
    I've currently got Re003s on the front and PS4s on the back. The PS4s feel a little more planted - but not much in it. What is noticeable is the extra road noise from the RE003s.
  5. 1 point
    I realise this is an old thread but having fitted a new set of RE003s on my 335i I thought I would give an updare. The old front tyres were Nitto 830s and out back were a set of RE050 run flats. First impressions are that the front end is a lot more precise, turn in is noticeably more direct and I feel like it goes were it should now. The rear has a bit more compliance but grip wise it seems to be at least as good as the 050s maybe even better. I never really felt I could trust the run flats on anything other than bowling green smooth roads, they had a lot of harshness and the ride was jittery. On a typical NZ road with a few undulations and irregularities mid corner the 003 is just so much more predictable. I was considering S001s but having had them on my 335i on the original 17s I didnt think they were appreciably better than the 003s, not a fair comparison I know as one is a 40 series and one is 35. I suspect on a track the S001 would show its advantages. To sumarise I now have much sharper and more accurate turn in, the car feels more predictable and overall grip levels in the dry are higher especially up front. Later this week I am driving another 335 with 19s and its running some Falkens, I will report back when I have given it the 48 corner test.
  6. 1 point
    I'm picking up my 2000 model parts car probably this side of Christmas, but I think the front spoiler is broken. @mattmannz I see this is your first post - check out the Wellington community - we have some great get-togethers & it's an opportunity to suss out who might have parts here and there.
  7. 1 point
    Have plenty of the older oem multi pronged style. Will see if I can find some mint ones for you Tom.
  8. 1 point
    Can't imagine anyone who would waste time on an automatic eh!
  9. 1 point
    ^^^^^ All very true Andrew. Off topic to EV's but look what has happened to listening to music - done the full circle back to turntable. Not all new tech is best...
  10. 1 point
    Would mainstream media print anything to the contray? Would 'researchers' who are likely in the govt pocket come up with different results that don't tow the official line on climate change? It would be more environmentally friendly to run my current 15 year old car for another 5-7 years which returns 8.5l/100km highway than to increase/encourage consumerism and drop $40-50k on an EV for a five year cycle. Just more wealthy, white western liberals telling us what we need to do as a way of virtue signalling to feed their false moral conscience when it comes to enviro/social issues. They will happily guilt trip the majority of the population on green issues while they have no dramas shitting into clean drinking water, using excessive amounts of water (three showers/day, two laundry cycles/day, watering their garden on their high six figure - seven figure quarter acre section), daily consumption of meat and dairy (demand for intensive farming), two or more late/new vehicles per household, jet setting on holiday every 6 mth - 1 year etc. These clowns are the epitome of hypocrisy and fail to put their money where their mouth is, but expects everyone else to tow their line.
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