Not sure if you're seeking CC, if not, stop reading. But I offer it because I like your vibe, your passionate, and you've put a lot of effort into this, it's hard enough making a 2 minute video let alone nearly 10.
At the start of the video i couldn't tell if I was more distracted by the top of your head being cut off or having to stare up your nose.
The drone use and other cinematography is cool, but in my opinion, cars never look good on grass, the green reflection messes with the cars actual colour, and the texture messes with perception of the curves. and hells teeth, you need to stabilise the camera on you while driving, I get that M and other race derived cars are rough on bumps, but that's hard to watch, a lighter camera will move less than that massive DSLR and 24-70?
If you're going to do cool cornering shots in an M car, jesus man, cut the apex right (first cornering shot) or some people will judge (I did).
And last but not least, though I appreciate that a 9 minute video takes work, but most people get bored after about 3 minutes if theres no guns, drugs, violence, plane, robots, violence, guns, violence girls, sex, speed or noise. I think perhaps you're adlibbing in the summary in the end? Scrip and cut the pauses at. I think looking at what your talking about is strange, when your not making eye contact with the camera its not as engaging, try keep them under 5 and I think you'll have more people engaged.
I get a Jeremy Clarkson Metaphorical type vibe, but he scripts and rehearses and keeps it all short, and is passionate, you seemed a little bored in your summary, and one single camera angle with zero cuts is not engaging, you don't need to go full on bubblepopgumyoutubeceleb cut every 5 words, but, change it up a bit.
My $200.02c.
Sorry if it makes me seem like a dick, well, I am a dick, but I'm not trying to be here.