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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/22 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    because overseas its been tried and it doesn't stand up to scrutiny, old plant litters deserts everywhere, kills wildlife like crazy and is hard to dispose of. costs to install aren't recovered There isn't a serious scientist worldwide including the founder of greenpeace that now doesn't agree that nuclear is the cleanest safest fuel generation, not cherynobl size just little nuclear sub sized easily moved to where they need to be, easily covered if something goes wrong but the tech of nuclear has come along way anyway subs are all have reasonable safety records so far , we just need to convince the public but in the end it will happen watch europe recommission nuclear big time now that they are bent over by Putin and have finally realised
  2. 1 point
    But Hamsters look like they are having fun.... not sure about this guy ?
  3. 1 point
    Yes, I totally agree. So, why are we not seeing lots of news articles about all the resource consenting for new solar and wind farms? After all, that is the first sign that the Govt owned generation companies are on board and pushing as hard as they can to build the needed generation.
  4. 1 point
    Point is you still need a huge amount of electricity, which is the limiting factor in the system whatever the alternative to petrol is.
  5. 1 point
    To rule out anything sway bar related you can disconnect or remove the links and go for a slow drive. If its still there its not that.
  6. 1 point
    Without a doubt the enforced Covid layoffs for both motor bike and car racing has given each of the sports a tremendous boost in popularity, moreso perhaps for the watcher. Our Youtube and other channels have been very active of late. Further to Twistee's first post , while segueing smoothly off topic (slightly) this has popped up for sale quite close to home too. The ask appears (to us anyway) quite affordable. Hmm, with a little bit of juggling both in the garage, and the wallet surely space should be found for this? 😁 Discuss.... https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/motorbikes/motorbikes/sports/bmw/listing/3602370567?bof=bHgVunfq
  7. 1 point
    Totally agree that our current supply grid is not up to the task, but just pouring billions of dollars into upgrading that grid might not be the best solution. When I got my EV I also invested in rooftop solar at home, it provides enough power to keep my car charged and export some to the grid, obviously no good at night but if it were on the very large roof of the factory where I work and I could plug my EV in while I was at work it would provide all my transport energy needs and take load of the supply grid. A large enough system would cover the transport energy needs of 20 odd staff, repeat as necessary, consider solar systems at carport buildings, park and rides etc. These are the options the government needs to be seriously considering if they want mass adoption of EVs.
  8. 1 point
    so, the problem is not the amount of power we generate as a country. it is the delivery infrastructure we have a family member who works as a grid manager for Orion, and have had several in depth conversations with them about the difficulties they are facing with the governments mind numbing blindness to all the other issues and infrastructure challenges that EV's cause. Our current supply network in the majority of the country is not not capable of delivering a solution to a mass adoption of EV vehicles. for an example, There has just been a multi million dollar sub station placed out the back of Rolleston to power the majority of Rolleston, this was finished early last year and was expected to last for a further 5-7 years of development out that way. HOWEVER, only 18 months later and this substation is at its peak capability due to the mass expanse of Rolleston and the surrounding areas. yes, they can pull another line down from the HV lines running down the south island and build another substation but the cost is monumental when they have to start doing this to literally cater for EV's. This is only 1 example, there are literally hundreds of other examples like this. not only is the supply grid not upto standard, the supply lines to older houses are also not upto standard when you start looking at households that end up with multiple EV's. these are all issues that Orion are already facing with the small uptake we have currently. Our current network can not support what people (the gubberment) are looking to achieve, the amount of money that needs to be spend to deliver infrastructure to support it is truly mind blowing further comments above were trying to say that electric vehicles will be remarkedly cheaper to run than a traditional vehicle, this is simply not going to be true. you look at normal service items (tires, brakes, cv's that sort of stuff) and the maintenance cost will be about the same as a dinosaur burning monster. yet, you have a stupid amount of $$$ required every 10 years ish (if you are lucky it will be that long) for replacement battery packs. if you actually look at it, on the grand scheme of things it will be much of a muchness in regards to running costs. I would be very surprised if we don't see something along the lines of a independent electricity rate for EV chargers. now speaking of battery packs, are EV's really "cleaner" than current solutions? absolutely not. the footprint of a modern EV can arguably be pointed as being the same, if not bigger than a traditional vehicle over its lifetime. where do the batteries go, sure, they can be recycled... sent to the other side of the world on ughhhhh dinosaur burning ships. oooo the irony, what about the pollutants released when we start having mass amounts of fires both caused from the EV itself and overloading of infrastructure Call me a cynic or whatever you want but on so many levels this proposed mass adoption seems wrong for so many reasons... as with anything on this planet, it's not what we are doing but the amount in which we are doing it. If suddenly you could click your fingers and every.single.vehicle was electric there would be other issues based on the numbers..... still comes down to the plain and simple fact that the world id overpopulated! bring back natural selection hahaha to be clear, I am not against the implementation of the EV at all, however trying to push for a mass adoption is the worst idea. but it's a catch 22 as no vehicle manufacturer is really coming out with a "better" alternative at this point! Bit of a rant! enjoy!
  9. 1 point
    Ye of little imagination
  10. 1 point
    Bugger that, you can sleep in a car but you can't race a house!
  11. 1 point
    Thanks for the advice My "BMW newbie" brain forgot to check the fault code. I was told today that the fuel pump had to be replaced, and I will find out the fault code before I post here next time. Thank goodness for mechanical insurance I guess.
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