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About keen

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 09/08/1945

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Ken Morine
  • Location
  • Car
    BMW MINI R53 cooper S
  • Mods List
  • Car 2
    BMW E90 320
  • Car 3
    BMW E28 535
  • Race Car
    E30 2 litre

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  • Interests
    New toy just got a E30 with E36 running gear and a M50b20 engine.

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  1. I have an E34 i want to lower a bit. Can someone advise me of the maximum that can be done without certification?
  2. My daily driver has the lights on auto. Because of this in the older car I have the habit of leaving the lights on and returning to it later to find the battery is flat. I have an E90 and a mini cooper S both of these have a safety system that turns the lights off after some minutes to save the battery. I read once somewhere that you could fit a device that replicates this. Does anyone know of these and if so where do I get one?
  3. Thankyou all have got them
  4. Are they 7x15 ET20? or 7.5x16 ET20?
  5. Thank you for your reply. Im really after the style 7's for the E34
  6. keen

    E28 sunroof

    Does anyone have a clean sunroof for an E28?
  7. Has anyone got 4 style 7 wheels for my E34 540?
  8. Yes they are metric. And yes they are expensive. I want to have the authentic look.
  9. Have you still got the E28 actuators? Im after two front left and front Right. My contact is 02102442242
  10. Has anyone got 4 style 7 wheels for my E34 540?
  11. Some years ago I read about a battery saver device that turned the car light system off after about 15 min. This saved the batt from going flat if you left the boot not closed properly or hadnt shut a door properly. Does anyone know of this devise? Or is there something that can be fitted to the older cars for this purpose? Both my later models 320 and Mini have this type of system built in.
  12. What sort of money for the E28?
  13. Hi there David. I was going to get in touch with you to see if maybe you had a gearbox. As I knew you built E28. In answer to your question I'm sorry but I have no spares. I just have enough for mine. Would you give me your email. There are a heap of questions I would like to ask you. I understand you are a bit of a guru on these things. I have a 535. Quite high milage but very sound. No rust which amazes me and tidy. I'll see if I can upload a picture for you
  14. Looking to convert my 1987 e28 535i to a manual. I have quite a few of the ancillary stuff (drive shaft, pedal box, gear lever etc), but now need to source the actual gearbox. Anybody got one of these lying about?? The closer to Palmerston North, the better. But open to any location really.
  15. How the heck is diesel fuel getting into the sump? How many ways can it get in there? after the injectors have been removed and checked ok the seals are ok the fuel is standard Diesel fuel it has had a sample checked and the oil definitely has diesel in it. What other ways can it get in????
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