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Everything posted by Nobimmer

  1. Today the neighbours cat shat inside my converitible and scratched the signage on my race car. I will leave it at that.
  2. Nobimmer


    Must not type any slander.
  3. I believe in ask a stupid question, get a stupid reply.
  4. I'm 21 and have owned 2 houses. I work 55 hours a week and have been across the world as a result. I would say my cars are cooler than yours also. Would bet my left nut my mrs is hotter than yours too. Edit:Suck it.
  5. Nobimmer

    Garage Clearout

    Will take flexi joints if no one else does.
  6. Should have seen this coming really.
  7. Nobimmer


    that is how you do a burnout.
  8. Looks cool mate good buy. Can I have your red plate holder.
  9. Make sure you are using the right driveshaft too. If it is slightly too long/short it isn't the right one. And as said, don't split it in half, but if you do, just make sure the faces on the universals line up. Found this out the hard way.
  10. Just get some diesel, pour it on the car and set it on fire.
  11. I am pretty confident I am still drunk.
  12. For all the shore people. Anyone going to taka? We are currently on box 2. and will walk over at some point. From Wairau! hollllla
  13. Smoke weed everyday. And that will happen.
  14. I am currently having a beer. at work. with my boss.
  15. If your thinking low and slow, I don't think it will be very different to many E39's at all.
  16. -1.4. f**k you tony.
  17. Just buy the springs and do it yourself. It's not that hard at all... just time consuming. You could easily do it in an afternoon.
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