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Everything posted by will

  1. maybe good at the time, dunno about the next day/week/year?? hahahaha..
  2. Just use a piece of fishing line or steel trace wire looped behind the plate, it cuts the tape easily without damaging the paintwork. Will
  3. makes me want to throw up just thinking of it.. but maybe after a good session with Andy and Gus.. yeeeeehaaaaaaaa!!!!
  4. will

    Quick Questions

    check your brake light switch, you will need to remove the panel under the dash to get to it. First, check that the pedal is actually coming to rest on it, if it doesn't, try pulling it towards you and see if that works. If pulling it towards you switches the lights off, you need to see where it is sticking- maybe the return spring is broken.If the pedal is hard on the switch and the lights are still on, pull the plug off the rear of the switch. If the lights go off, remove the switch and replace it if checking it with a multimeter and pressing the button on it shows that it is maintaining a circuit. If pressing the button breaks the circuit, you need to somehow make the brake pedal return more to press the button and break the circuit. Check for broken return spring, worn bushes in the linkage to the passenger side, try lubing the linkages etc clear as mud?? hope not.. Will
  5. maybe set this up for the northland trip??? any takers??
  6. will

    You're ALL invited!

    Hi Steve Welcome to bimmersport. Stick around, we'll wean you off the Audi..!! I'm north of Kerikeri so too far to join you, but have fun and DON'T speed around Mangatawheri and the Ngatea straights! Mr Plod will thank you for donations to his Xmas fund if you do!! (I used to live in Paeroa so know the hazards of speeding in the area). Any of your members up our way? Will
  7. will


    There are definite differences in anti-freeze mixes, some are quite bad. The modern anti-freeze has multiple tasks... prevent freezing of the cooling system preventing corrosion (this is where the mix is critical in preventing the natural electrolytic effect that exists between dissimilar metals when liquid is present, a bad mix will actually enhance this effect.) lubricating the water pump bearing and other bearings it comes in contact with keeping your rubber hoses flexible without perishing them There are many cheap anti-freeze mixtures out there, all will work to prevent freezing, but most will fail/fall short in the other areas I have mentioned. So using a mix designed by BMW for BMW's makes very good sense.. likewise, toyota have their own special mix etc etc.. my 2c worth for what it is worth. Will
  8. will

    SD card

    I have formatted the disk to FAT32, actual size 3.69GB. I used a program from Panasonic specific for SD cards to do this, but it does not have any ability to partition it. The disk management option under administrative tools in XP doesn't make the delete partition option available for some reason..The camera requires the card to be formatted to FAT32. Cheers Graham, is it an XP based copy? I have a copy but it is Win2000 based and I don't want to risk loading it on XP... too many bad experiences with Microsoft incompatability issues I suppose.. If this fails, the easy option is to buy a 2GB card, but I hate easy, much more fun figuring things out the hard way... Also thought all you techno-geek youngsters out there would have had this figured a long time ago..??? What's happening..???!!!!! This type of stuff is hard work for us old fellas! Will
  9. will

    SD card

    I have a 4GB SD card, the problem is my camera will only recognise 2GB and wants to format the card into a 2GB partition with the balance unallocated so becomes unusable. Have cruised the web looking for answers but seems to be differing thoughts/methods out there. I have tried using XP to delete the full 4GB partition and created 2 smaller partitions (one suggestion found on the web) but the "delete partition" under XP is greyed out for the card, but available for any other drive..!?? Don't know why. Anyone have experience in this? Particularly with getting my camera to recognise the card without trying to trash half of its capacity. What should I use to partition it, (as XP doesn't work) pref a free program.. Will
  10. Use double-sided tape Em, I have done it and others too. Much neater imo.. will ps i have 2 sets in the mail too, probably ordered then the same time as you did.
  11. will

    Dirty old ford

    You'r not kidding !!!!
  12. will

    Em's New E30

    Won't do much good unless she gets rid of the slush box though! Couple hundred HP into 316 auto box = meltdown !!! told you you needed a manual Em! Will
  13. will

    Dirty old ford

    haha.. thats probably why Kerry's chev has a ford donk in it!!! They wanted to sound like a proper car!!!
  14. View euro one first, then Zim one.. Methinks fella in Zim one was Gus in mufti... Will (hope this works btw.. )
  15. I totally disagree with this. I am an employer of a large number of people. I recently interviewed 4 young school leavers for scholarships in Resource Planning at Uni. These 4 youngsters had gone way beyond the 80 credits and their results were swamped in "Excellence" and "Merit" passes. The standard of these 4 applicants we interviewed was so good I decided not to offer just one scholarship, but two. Their results proved to me that they were more than willing to apply themselves fully to their studies, and that I would not be wasting money on their scolarships on parties, hotted-up cars etc. The only disappointment was that I didn't have enough in the budget to offer all 4 of them scholarships. We had a large number of applicants with results much like you are promoting as being sufficient, they didn't get beyond a first glance. And, believe me, there are a LOT of employers out there that DO understand the NCEA system.... Anyone who wants to employ decent people who will be a credit to the organisation will have done the hard yards in getting an understanding of NCEA. So my advice is to go out there and do the best you can, lazy people seldom succeed in life unless they get left a lot of money. Will
  16. will

    God damn virus's

    Another way.. You need to remove your hard drive and take it to a mate who has good anti-virus sofware running. Plug your drive in as a slave and virus-check it from your mate's machine. It should detect it and (hopefully)eliminate it. I find Norton to very good at this. Many of these viruses will resist and even prevent you trying to install virus software after they are resident so it is best, if you want to prevent a complete reformat, to use another computer where the virus software is well installed, to get rid of your problem. I have used this method for many years to get rid of viruses in customers machines with almost 100% success. Some viruses cannot be completely removed by virus software, but, once your software has identified the particular virus you have, you will be able to download a step-by-step instruction from one of the various virus sites on how to remove the residual bits by editing the registry etc. There will be other methods but this is the way I do it. good luck Will
  17. It will protect it there but won't help in the power stakes. Won't have efficient combustion running that rich, but seems like he has enough grunt so what's a few less HP ..? We did a similar thing many years ago but with a crude nitrous setup (our first try at NOS injection) into a 3l V6 alfa with triple dual downdraft carbs, just had a dual steel steel brake pipe running across the top of each throat with a small hole drilled and a jet inserted squirting directly down into each carb. One pipe carried NOS and the other raw fuel. We calculated how much each would deposit down the throat and deliberately over fuelled it so we wouldn't have a meltdown!! Only used it at full throttle with the passenger operating the go-faster switch. Had pretty spectacular end result, went like holy stink but laid a black smoke screen the military would be proud of!!! We did later fine tune it and add a switch on the throttle that activated the pumps when you floored it and got it running so you didn't disappear in a cloud of black smoke.. melted a few pistons along the way also but that's another storey. Will
  18. will

    front door hinge

    Difficult to see what is happening there. No guarantees it won't break again but whoever does it will have to suss out how to reinforce it so it doesn't. Also make sure the door restraining system is moving freely and well lubricated so you don't put too much stress on the repair. Will be interesting trying to weld it up with all that wiring etc around, especially with gas.. mig or tig would be better, less inclined to set everything alight. Have to be careful! Will
  19. will

    O/D 260 vs. C/R 245

    If you have decent grunt, a slightly longer ratio (overdrive box) should get you to 100kph quicker if you only have to do 2 changes as opposed to 3. Shifting = lost time. (unless you can lay your hands on a sequential shifter..) If you are working with a less grunty setup, the shorter, more closely-spaced ratios would probably benefit you as you can keep the motor in the best torque range without having to overrev it a bit so that the next gear is better in the torque band. This would be particularly noticible if you had to do this on a long uphill. Close ratio boxes come into their own in tight twistys as you can better find a ratio that is in the optimum torque range. My .03c worth Will
  20. phaaarrrrkk!!! is that thing running on diesel ????
  21. will

    Kimmie's 1984 528i

    I think those new wheels look really good! Hurry up and put them on.. Will
  22. will

    16" Tyres

    Your dog must be a real slut to pick on Gus.!!!!
  23. will

    16" Tyres

    That's why I'm glad I stay so far away from those youngsters !!
  24. will

    Kimmie's 1984 528i

    I definitely second that! Looks very clean esp the interior. Not sure of the mags, but still all good!!Will
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