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Everything posted by MADBMA

  1. Keep 5 litres of oil in the car aswell? Wat if it gets knocked hard on the motorway, oil spews out, tyres hit oil, car hits wall......
  2. if youve already got your warrant on your car he cant exactly go take the sticker off the car legally, go ask him how to stop it squeeking if its a mate, or alternativly spray some CRC in there

    what is this?

    ha ha, i was quite suprised there wasnt the question "are you a member of a online BMW forum"
  4. since petrols dropped down a notch i been using 98 where ever i can find it but 95 or higher, i would never put 91 in her, what you put in is what you get out Edit: 94 E36 btw

    Double locking

    yeah im doing this to an e36, at the moment my aftermarket alarm locks the boot, fuel door and doors, but doesnt double lock the doors, after market or factory alarm its still based on the same concept, in there it states a rumour of kills the starter motor i spose that will be easy enough to test, anyway ill try it all this weekend and let you guys no.

    Double locking

    This should explain it, all works as it says it does. http://www.understeer.com/doublelock.shtml
  7. not a good idea to drill a hole through your sump plug.
  8. id listen to 320SHKBTE he did a write up when he installed his, doesnt seem worth the hassle. to get it put on professionaly would cost the same as a genuine M3 front end which is a simple bolt up job, let us no how ya get on, good price thoe, i would of considerd it before i red 320SHKBTE's write up.
  9. aslong as its fused it wont make a difference, just do it and if you have any problems with any other eletrics in your car go back to it, but i think you should be ok to wire it live, i cant find a diagram for your car with a red/yellow wire going anywhere round it, according to the diagrams i did look at thoe its just coming straight from the power distrubution block and fused then the red/purple stripe to your sunroof, my geuss would be that the red/yellow wire is going to a relay that is switched by the ACC power alowing the constant 12v through, you can bypass the relay with a constant 12v just make sure its fused and your sunroof will work at all times when car turned off.
  10. well it says im definetetly a BMW nerd, hmmm go figure i didnt really think i was, just a car enthusiast all round
  11. MADBMA

    Double locking

    yeah i cant seem to find any information regarding it, just rumours, any idea how i would test it? spose multimeter up to the pump wire? i dont want to start the car while double locked incase it does disable the pump and runs the system dry which can cause damage.
  12. Does anyone no if double locking your car actually disables the fuel pump aswell? ive heard the rumour numerous times and wondering if its true. i have an aftermarket alarm and at the moment it doesnt double lock the car but im planning on making it double lock in the next few days, im going to do this regardless but just wondering if it will also disable the fuel pump? can anyone confirm?
  13. Car year and model might help
  14. MADBMA


    i dont think you get a fine when they pink sticker your car, but you get a $600 fine for driving with a pink sticker and $600 for removing a pink sticker well thats what it used to be when i was driving reckless cars oh and then theyll give you another pink sticker and you might even get the green sticker, cant remeber what the green sticker means but i think if you drive with a green sticker your car gets impounded and you go to the cells, somthing like that.
  15. MADBMA

    BMW Goodies

    yeah wouldnt mind that e36 lsd, give me a yell with a price and ill see what i can do
  16. thats what i saw on trademe go for over 80 bucks, you got the part number up above go to the BMW dealership and get them to order it in, but youll be looking at a steep price for a cup holder, failing that keep an eye out on trade me, but even then 80 bucks was steep for a cup holder, and alot of people were bidding on it: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-71784938.htm mine was screwed into the dash, so leaves some nasty holes
  17. Saw a cupholder go on trademe for over 80 bucks about a week ago one that sits in your console bit, anyways heres mine, pickd it up from the warehouse for under 10 bucks, works a charm holds everything and its adjustable, photos dont look the best as taken at night.
  18. MADBMA

    e36 strut bars

    hey the look pretty good to me, if ya go ahead with it hook me up with one to, ill be keen, no relatives in the US for me
  19. i was in the same situation, i bought a cup holer from the warehouse screwed it into place by the stereo it folds out to be a cup holder and when not in use folds into a nice little sqaure on the side, quite descrete and holds everything up to a 1.5 litre bottle, i love it and wont do with out it now, show ya pics if ya like, had to screw it into the dash thoe, so leaves permenant holes.
  20. looks cool apart from the gaurds, the gaurds just ruin it
  21. hope you didnt pay to much for it!, sounds a bit dodge, you should of had it checked out, id probably say its your starter motor for the starting problems, possibly imobiliser if you have one, most likely starter motor, and a wiring issue for the lights staying on, once again a big maybe as i cant see your car, pays to get it checkd out before you buy
  22. MADBMA

    Sub Problem

    sounds like amp problem, the subs sticking like that because its got a constant source of power running to it, just like if you put your sub straight to a battery, sounds like youve fried somthing in your amp, just my geuss as i cant see your system. chuck us your amp and sub specs, including wire gauges and fuse sizes.
  23. thats the one, i already drive perfectly the wheel screeching are always on purpose and well slamming on the brakes hmmm always someone elses fault, usually the asians and the elderly.
  24. it was a mission trying to get the lights, i got 6 mm thick plexi glass there then went to a copyer place told them the coulors i wanted and the printed me off a big clear sticker for the color, kind of like a tint, im not a very good tinter i found out to, it has a few bubbles and probably needs redoing, underneth is a light box, controled by the boot opening, i made a healthy amount of wiring for it so i can remove the light box and take it down to the from of the car for thoes sticky situations at nite. dont have an arm rest either, does anyone no the legal requirement for IF i can cut holes into the metal backing of the seats? and not really worried bout fumes, i dont carry anything in the boot that will leave the lid open, girlfriends car for that, and if its fumey ill open a window oh and ill look in to thoes piano hinges
  25. so i cant remove any of that metal backing from the seats? i was gonna cut some holes through them for 4 inch ports, 2 in each seat, is there any way round it? like certified from vinz?
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