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topnotchrally last won the day on February 18

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127 Excellent

About topnotchrally

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Car
    '97 318i M-sport Sedan
  • Mods List
    Upgraded wheels from 17" to 16" :-)
  • Car 2
    '99 523iT, '99 Z3 2.8
  • Car 3
    '95 M3, '99 M5
  • Race Car
    1992 FXGT 20V

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  1. Right, and all those cars that come with SPEAR parts. What that...?
  2. OFFS... how is it possible people can't spell RARE! It's not a good look!
  3. My car, for sale. I found something else that I want. See TM ad. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/5174692740
  4. Am I missing something? This seems utter nonsense. US$50000 for 100hp. Couldn't he have bought a supercharger kit for 1/4 of that and got more than 100HP and still had factory reliability? It makes no sense.
  5. Also, it does say in the ad the milage but it's a bit convoluted. It would seem the modified S62 engine has more than 146k MILES on. Great motor but that's a big number of miles for a modified engine. (235k kms)
  6. I'm curious about the exhaust. It's making lots of power but seems to NOT have dual M5 exhaust... it doesn't because it says it still has a spare tire holder, which M5s don't have because the exhaust is taking up that space.
  7. That must be the Nowack thing. It looks like the standard airboxes have been modified to fit larger intake pipes.
  8. The description is hard to read and makes little sense to me. It's a 530 shell with slightly modified M5 engine and brakes. What the heck does n500 have to do with it?
  9. IMHO these people are investors, not 'car guys'. They are holding on to this car until they can get $100,000 for it. This may take 5+ years but in the mean time, they may as well advertise it, perhaps somebody with excessive disposable income will take a fancy to it.
  10. One is E28 and one is E12. The seller seems to feel the E12 is significantly more valuable.
  11. News to me but seems to be true. I thought my car had Sport seats because the spec sheet doesn't list Comfort seats. I have seen spec sheets that listed Comfort seats. On the up side, the M5board calls these Luxury seats😀 https://www.m5board.com/threads/e39-m5-luxury-seats-vs-sport-seats.338193/
  12. I thought these engines were ‘bullet proof’. What has failed?
  13. I don’t suppose there’s any chance it’s manual?
  14. Must have been a good buy, it's sold.
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