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Everything posted by Mr2low

  1. Bit confusing though had a bid of 4200 now has it listed for 3999?
  2. I did mine one side at a time, that maybe the difference
  3. Forgot I did the links instead of the mounts and used a bottle jack to line everything back up, but yeah I found the rear way easier then the fronts
  4. I used a breaker bar with the right size socket on the the nut/bolt just below the hub, pushed down so I was tightening the bolt/ nut depending on the side of the car and held it down with my leg worked a treat
  5. Lol funny how the car changes the wheels aye, when I had the $$$ couldn't find any now I don't they come up for sale f**k
  6. Mr2low


    Lol understeer is an awful thing
  7. Hahaha that second one is amazing 635 is kinda cool
  8. Could be worse to be honest Could have this on the back
  9. Still need to swap the + and - around otherwise it's just silly
  10. Mr2low

    E39 cd changer

    Finally got around to adding photos Also remembered I had this random alloy 17x7.5 et38 5x120 guessing 3 series fitment
  11. Shame it's only one I'd get a price from bmw and negotiate a 'cash' settlement because I doubt someone is going to buy one
  12. That's a shame your centre cap is probably real Should have these markings
  13. Type 3 racing two piece http://www.ac-schnitzer.de/uploads/tx_userinfoboxdownloads/Brochure_Z3_12_pages_01.pdf
  14. That's good, when doing your radiator flush redline make a product called water wetter should check it out, mainly designed for race cars to reduce coolant temps but will also make the coolant more efficient
  15. That 'should' get snapped up quickly at that kind of price as long as it's been looked after
  16. Mr2low

    Mobile phone advice

    Yup your right but it went back to service agents twice for locking up etc then came back a month later the screen starting coming out got replaced and started over again went to Nokia this time came back fixed did the same so I dropped it quiet hard as I'd had enough
  17. That's good and lucky I suppose cheapish fix
  18. Mr2low

    Mobile phone advice

    You should try it on a 4 my gfs is painfully slow lol
  19. Mr2low

    Mobile phone advice

    I'm glad I changed back to iOS after 'dropping' my lumia 920 many many times to try and kill it, not sure if it was the phone or os system when it was working it was fine when it wasn't like constant resetting freezing locking me out for 100000 hours I f**king hated it camera was slow as hell too still works though smashed screen and all
  20. Crazy coz it's cheap too, http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/181303265992?nav=SEARCH Id have it advertised in the uk if I was silly enough to sell it
  21. Mr2low

    E39 cd changer

    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=698056496 Also selling my 3/8 Jonnesway torque wrench brand new un used with box will check range later $150 worth 300ish
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