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Everything posted by Creaver

  1. noticed that yesterday, I reckon the guy will be a pri*k and withdraw the auction or something before it ends...the seller seems like a waste of space to me.
  2. Creaver

    Picked up new car.

    Look forward to seeing pics.
  3. Creaver


    Without a doubt.
  4. Good man, please keep me updated Cain. :-). Edit* - How free flowing are these headers? My mate said they look a little restrictive.
  5. Hey guys, just purchased a 540i and have noticed the exhaust note is quite mild. Just wondering if you guys know anywhere in South Auckland that do good exhaust systems. I am after full exhaust including headers. Also if you guys could give me an estimate on price, that'd be great too. Regards, Ian.
  6. I've seen this car around Manurewa a fair bit, you live out this way?
  7. Haha, yea, used almost a full tank from Palmy to Auckland, with a detail to Tauranga, the price we pay I guess . Ok, I admit, we didnt use the whole bottle, but there was a tonne of birdshit on the way which expended a fair amount of the bottle, haha. Yea, 540i shoot sounds like a plan :-)
  8. haha yea, just havn't had the time...if you'd seen how much bird sh*t landed on the windscreen, you'd understand why it's empty
  9. Haha, what's that supposed to mean? Go easy? Cheers Cain, I must say it did look nice before the trip.
  10. Hey guys, you might have seen me around the forums a bit over the last few months looking for a worthy BMW to sit in my stable. Well, the wait is over. Yesterday I bought this 1993 540iA from Palmy, sure it isn't manual, but it goes hard as it is and later down the track I will be looking into buying a conversion kit. Just got back from the trip and havn't had time to clean the beast yet, also, please bare with the photos, crap camera and I'm not very proficient with it. Enough blabbing, i'll let the pictures do the talking:
  11. saw that plate on the 'ideas' section of plates.co.nz....very nice
  12. the eta is more torquey i believe, but puts out less power.
  13. From my experience, just use different colours as you have mentioned, works a treat
  14. Hey guys, stumbled upon this on trademe, someone might find this useful: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-138093277.htm
  15. How do you download them? it asks for a password.
  16. Read the other thread, sorry to hear that. I believe Brent had one on trademe, not sure if it's still for sale or not.
  17. Creaver

    bdo 08

    oh god, I feel so sorry for you, haha, we were in the beer tent getting ready for Rage!
  18. Creaver

    bdo 08

    See the retards climbing on the scaffolding stuff by the mosh pit? was funny as, people started throwing sh*t at them when shihad stopped playing
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