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Everything posted by nath

  1. nath


    IMO they look gross
  2. nath

    Meet Ruby

    getting new seats? ruby is one hot bitch
  3. happy birthday dude have an awesome one or two
  4. nath

    Nath's New Ride

    haha yeah she aint exactly japans latest! yeah ill be there with bells on, school starts on monday
  5. nath

    Nath's New Ride

    yeah sure, i mean they di have great motors. looks like arse however
  6. nath

    Nath's New Ride

    yes im sad to say that its a honda, and an accord at that. oh well itll tide me over for now. at the time, it was either that or some piece of sh*t seven, looked hot but headliner had been glued up and elecs were a wee bit dodgy to say the fukn least. maybe if a nice 525i or the like comes up.....
  7. nath


    pulsarok so may be old, but funny
  8. nath

    Nath's New Ride

    yeah bitch ill post pics up tmro
  9. at Jerry Clayton BMW there has been and im sure still is a pre FL 760li individual with full black and white everything (shadowlined too) for something like 340k
  10. the grammar in the title of this thread vexes me every time i see it
  11. what the hell is that! looks like the roofline and A- pillar of an e39, the front of a fivey three, and go knows what rear!
  12. nath


    thankyou sam :mosh:
  13. nath


    are they real recaros? i dont know much about 5 series seats but this thread is about very rare real recaro seats in a bmw, not sport recaro STYLE
  14. nath

    The View Thread

    well ive been painting at my dads house, so i guess its this
  15. nath


    hm that sucks then, most are tan leather or vinyl arent they
  16. nath


    arent they those seats that nobody here has? ie. recaro ones? 323i
  17. i have perfect taste. im not as cool as you though. i need a chazza first. and anyway im probably keeping the 16 now so u wont have to be seen in the company of a volvo driver! william, make sure you get 15" baskets not 14s k. sweet.
  18. :gay: bronzitbeige metallic is where the party is william get some baskets. ive decided i may, when i can get course related costs
  19. nath

    been a while

    hmm, that weird ticking sound is unfortunately the hydraulic tappets needing replacement, no amount of oil additive will fix it either..... the oil holes will NOT be blocked unfortunately.I had al mine replaced at jerry claytons a few months back, costed me $245 parts (thats including a 35% discount) and $180 labour. and unfortunately single lifters cant be diagnosed, the whole lot needs replacing.... heres hoping its not that anyway! Nice ride dude
  20. does he have a really nice wife who drives it up to get serviced in akl? i was talking to a lady a while ago who bought her husbands m5 in from ur hood. she was such the unsuspecting m5 driver
  21. MY CAR thats mine, i will admit that its not a steal as far as price goes, which is why i dont have it for sale on here i guess...... but a rough idea is that i sold my old white one for 4.5k with 197km, so ill want less than that for this. 200,000km new valves hydr lifters, cam grind all original manuals and documentation, full jery clayton history including delivery papers (why that matters i dont know) 5 speed manual tacho+economy thing parcel shelf with moulded in stop light 5 exc tyres remote locking (alarm) new jvc headdeck that matches dash with red lights (orig bmw srereo included) perfect interior new front and rear emblems new gearstick new rubber bmw mats full unused toolkit
  22. nath

    Merc mechanic?

    did you get the e46 from a dealer? we had one in work a few months back which bmw paid most of a new auto for because it crapped out out of warranty even.....
  23. nath

    happy new year

    graeme at about 11pm, slept through the night haha
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