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Everything posted by Jeddy

  1. Jeddy

    Face lift?

    Tech II of a pre-facelift. Tech I's aren't too hard to find, someone on here might even have one. Not as expensive as Tech II either
  2. Jeddy

    Face lift?

    Tech I will fit. Tech II has been done, someone will know whats involved, but it can and has been done before.
  3. Jeddy

    Face lift?

    Chrome on the bumpers is Pre facelift
  4. All the prices i've had for a project m42 were around $1200+Hope a bs member buys it
  5. Is someone going to bid so we can find out the reserve
  6. It still counts. Beemwr in Darfeild has another two i think. What were there? 20 or so NZ New, that's quite a few owned by members
  7. Don't mean to be a sh*t stirrer but bidding on your own auction, not cool. Link to Auction
  8. She's a member on here. Wants 1k+, someone has to buy this
  9. What do SE side skirts looks like? Anyone got any for sale? Yea keen for the lip to stay red. A's going to be much cheaper i'd imagine. Clears? Wouldn't that look a bit odd with black and red? Maybe smoked/black ones would look better cause orange looks naff.
  10. Question: Was looking at the car side on and with the red lip it(to me) makes it look a bit lop sided/front heavy, you get my drift. Anyway i was thinking should i: A: Paint the black side and bumper bits red B: Try and find Tech I/II sides and rear and paint them red C: Or just leave it as is?
  11. If its in good condition seems like a steal for the whole kit.I sold sides and rear in ave condition for $400
  12. ThanksI know of around 5 on here and imagine there are a couple more, would be keen to find out who has them now though
  13. Thanks guys, this is from the iS(1990). On the ECU it just has the VIN number.
  14. Tonight i was removing the cover under the steering column to check the ecu numbers when this fell down(silver box thing) which i have no idea what it is. There's nothing written on it either. Could someone clue me up? Also those things that look like xmas lights what are they(sorry about the poor quality)? Final thing, there were no numbers printed on the ecu, how do i find out what model/sort it is?
  15. Jeddy

    17" BBS CH Mags

    Lucky 5 stud bastards
  16. You got the kit didn't you?
  17. Yea not a fan of the mad flaps, will take them off and see what it looks like. As for springs, i don't think it can go heaps lower, i know its not included but the lowest point under the car(exhaust) is 120mm and i dont want to be going scrapping the crap out of it but will investigate further. I was planning on replacing shocks and springs as current ones are quite spongy Will do, they were annoying me also but haven't had it a week yet and theres only so much a can do. Will try and find some black ones or just paint these. ROR, wow hadn't noticed that, will get onto, the reason it looks faded its cause that panels on either side have been polished but not the door.
  18. Oh well worth a go.They should of put that engine in the e30
  19. Your either going to have a Genuine Motor sport or an option motor sport, very little difference. I imagine its possible to have an optioned one with exactly the same specs as a genuine one. Buy wouldn't genuine MS be stamped WBS to indicate they were manufactured at MS GmbH rather than WBA from AG?
  20. Have you got a website where you can check the build sheet? I rang BMW and they said they only go back to 03'
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