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Everything posted by Jeddy

  1. I took it to a lock smith today who said that i needed a replacement barrel for the drivers lock and to get one second hand. But when i was at eurorec they said i couldn't use a second hand barrel(didn't really understand why) and would need to buy one which would be like $160+keying it to my car + installation. Does anyone know why a second hand one can't be used? Or where else i could try re a barrel? Cheers
  2. Have you read the few very well documented builds on e30zone?
  3. Having an issue with the locks in my car. Its an e30 by the way Anyway yesterday i went to unlock the drivers door and the key just turned in the barrel but wasn't catching or unlocking/locking. So i tried the boot and when i unlock it all the doors unlock then proceed to relock themselves very quickly meaning i can't get into my car. Has anyone got any suggestions about how to fix or just get into the car? I'll most likely take it somewhere at sometime but thought i'd ask here first. p.s. When i got it the passenger's side lock never worked but never needed it so didn't worry about it.
  4. Whats the point in putting a m20b25 in an 318is body? Thats basically a 325 with a iS lip. Just put a 2.5 in a coupe
  5. Jeddy


    So many things don't make that an iS.It's been on TM for yonks and hadn't sold.
  6. Was considering whether to take mine it somewhere to be fitted or try and do it myself, but might try find a mate or someone who knows how to do now
  7. That was awhile ago tho so don't quote me.Ask Zenetti he'll know for sure
  8. Yea could prob stretch it out to 14-15km/l with moderate driving on the highway.My 320i gets around 9-9.5km/l
  9. My one uses about 8l/100km around town and that's not with a light foot. No idea about highway tho
  10. Any news about the B & G springs Keith?
  11. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=15987
  12. RS's are probably the best wheel for the e30 imho. They are pretty good looking reps and would look choice. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....40&start=40
  13. Konig remembers, there a bbs rs replica 16x7 and come in silver, black and gold. Almost bought a set earlier this year.
  14. I just rang him and he's all out of the 4 cyl'er ones and will have some more in approx 2-2 1/2 months time. He said he may be able to get some B & G springs in and is talking to some people about it.
  15. Wow, there not making much money out of you then. Glad to here the cars back on the road
  16. You do you have the Warranty with?
  17. Realoem says its a US spec LHD
  18. Even better score if it doesMaybe a bit of a skid test is in order
  19. Don't mean to be a downer but realoem had an lsd listed for mine but turns out it doesn't.
  20. Believe me its not level i'll add another picture if i have on that shows it. good 30mm difference.Yea can see what you mean about the arches now. Still if its got a bit og a gangsta lean going on.
  21. I've got a bit of a conundrum. I'm in the process of acquiring some new wheels and was thinking i'd replace the springs at the same time. Problem is the front is heaps higher than the back. Front from wheel to guard is about 70mm while rear is about 40mm. Should i just get some springs for the front or should i try and get some with a bigger drop in the front? Cheers
  22. Ok i just did some quick calculations about price and it appears it has come down but not hugely due in portion to the exchange rate. date-------------Oil price*---- X-Rate--------$NZ(per Barrel) May 2008-----------$120------0.778154---------$154 June 2008----------$128-------0.761572---------$168 July 2008-----------$132-------0.754644---------$175 August 2008--------$113-------0.709258---------$159 September 2008----$98---------0.675023---------$145 Today 10/10/08-----$87--------0.617101---------$141 The Oil Prices are $US per barrel and are the monthly average. The X-Rate numbers are also the monthly average
  23. Jeddy

    Lotto this W/end

    Cheapest ticket with powerball is $4.40
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