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Everything posted by JoKer

  1. Aprox 330mm in length, or open to suggestions for fix/generic part for replacement Cheers jared Sent from my MB525 using BimmerApp mobile app
  2. removed door card on mine, had a mate weld the door stopper back together toor doorcard off mates one to sort lock, after an hour found it was a one screw job to remove lock
  3. also 540i with snitzers club LOL sans the wing same car?
  4. JoKer

    2k Cup

    whilst exciting for some, its pretty much a clone of the RS Cup based around Manfield, reasonable successful too
  5. typical : I need a set (or a left one) and i got no coin
  6. JoKer

    WoF question

    Interior safety, you cant take a car out on track with no door skin
  7. whats under the covers? ie is it possible to remove/refurb them?
  8. hah Paperplus pic unrelated, the image in the paper was more impressive /notnewsworthy
  9. mods pls edit if not ok did read rules, not worth submitting MoreFM's discussion here : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=701887963166931&set=a.183170955038637.37146.172290932793306&type=1&relevant_count=1 heres my contribution to the stereotype (540 is mine / my image) /hardlynews
  10. (^^ this pretty much) try cleaning up your earths maybe 1st but I am of the thought that it cant hurt as long as you didnt waste too much money on it cant do harm (unles yous is a ritard installing it) and we all need more junk under the hood to make it look untidy!
  11. firewall, struttops, near alternator on motor : all good start usually
  12. so how does that work? is the trademe seller a turners representitive?
  13. M3 @ Tui Brewery today on display "Pistons and Chrome"
  14. whats worse than earthquakes around here (Tararua)? missing one then people asking you "did you feel it?"
  15. http://tinyurl.com/m2nee5s Dvke is fine, onyl had a few nicknacks go wandering most of our loose stuff was sorted after the 90's when we had a couple of 6's http://myfatquarter.blogspot.co.nz/2011/03/earthquakes-at-my-back-door.html
  16. http://www.nzta.govt.nz/vehicle/warrants-certifications/getting-wof/about.html cevat empor
  17. Previous owner did warn me about it BUT before I go ripping into it any tips? its like the child switch is alway on, what are likely bits I will be needing to look at/pay attention not to break? /not a total moron scanning the Diy/mainainace stickies as I post this, like most people my spare time is in short supply this tim of year mech also mentioned radiator weeping and sway bar links before next wof jared
  18. ow : so that was a head on type of deal?
  19. still only a $5k car with $3k wheels = a $5k car blimming nice car mind you, offer $6.5k maybe?
  20. yea think along the lines of Pikes peak (quite a climb) cars loose up to a third (may be grossly exaggerated : need researching/google) of their power from the start line to finish simply due to the lower O2 levels at higher Altitude
  21. garage door rubber seal gets mentioned a few times with these sorts of things (lips)
  22. AVS are a 'sponsor' on www.ClubSUB.org.nz and seem to be well 'repp'ed first time I have heard issues with them : who installed it?
  23. "hot rods" and their definition will never change, "old school" might, and "classics" will always be 70-80's to me etc OR cars you would really have liked to own that are 20+ years old
  24. cheers I have a 540i and they are integral to the bumper (I think) will take a snap of the side thats left, might give you some clues pm me if i forget to report back, i forget things and get distracted easily
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