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Everything posted by Wom

  1. Wom

    Personalised Plates

    lol I aint checking out his package to find out!!
  2. Just got a quote through my broker for full car insurance with windscreen cover through NZI ... $691 per annum That price does include a no claims bonus of 45% (the broker is going to try to get me 60% if I switch over ) and it's a multi policy discount because I'm also looking at contents ... but including all those discounts, AMI still was over $1200, Vero just a touch over $1000 and AA didn't believe me that my car only has 2 doors. Only issue is that at claim time, NZI base the car's value on current market value, which is perfect if they use car yards to determine the value, but if they use Trademe then it might not be so good. I guess it's not that bigger deal because State was reducing the value of my car by $2500 each year while at the same time putting my premiums up by 35% to 40%. So before I go and accept NZI's quote ... has anyone had any bad experiences with them in regards to either car or contents insurance?
  3. Wom

    Personalised Plates

    my mate has MNIMAL Manimal .... we call him that because when he drinks he becomes half man half animal lol
  4. Saw him again this morning, except this time I was in the Pulsar, so I don't think he noticed me Bit easier to be seen in a bright red beemer than a plain black pulsar lol
  5. try clicking on this link - http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....rt=#entry255872 it's the one that Mattzy posted in the Stretched Tyres thread, but with Threaded replaced with Linear once you click on that, then try browsing the forums and it should be ok
  6. +100000 on the Twilight comment
  7. I was following a purple e30 320i with a Bimmersport sticker this morning from Totara Park lights to Haywards lights nice take-off from the Upper Hutt lights
  8. I haven't had any troubles with State and the claim I had went through fine ... it was the panelbeater taking 2.5 months to fix my car that was the problem on the other hand, my girlfriend has had nothing but constant issues with State from day 1 AA tried telling my mate that there is no such thing as a Corolla GT Liftback
  9. My driveway is on the side of the house that gets no sun, and with all the constant rain Wgtn has had over the last few months, the grass on that side of the house is a bog. It's a pain when I want to go out and have to move the gf's car ... it's either quickly move it onto the lawn and take off in my car and move hers back when I get home ... Or move hers onto the road (I live on a fairly busy road so I don't like leaving the cars out there), then move mine out onto the road behind hers, jump back into her car and put it back down the driveway and then go and take off in mine ... and then when I get home I have to do it all again so yea it's heaps easier to just park her car on the grass ... even though it's a front wheel drive auto pulsar it still rips up the lawn it's also real annoying when you park the car on the lawn, get out and your foot sinks right down into the lawn lol I don't even bother trying to put my car on the lawn, last time I did that I almost didn't get off the lawn lol
  10. Don't have any contacts sorry; my mate is a builder based in Upper Hutt (north Wellington) and he is struggling to get work (barely any building consents have gone through in the last .... well, ages). My suggestion would be trying some of the big companies that are doing apartment building / office building / parking building construction ... seems to be quite a bit of that going on around the CBD
  11. Wom

    Noob Question

    yea there wasn't a sensor on either side on the rear haven't actually looked at the front because the pads are still good
  12. Wom

    Noob Question

    sorry to hijack your thread When I last had a wof done (March), they picked up that the rear brake pads had practically nothing left on them. I thought this was a bit strange because I was under the impression that there was a sensor that would light up a warning on the dash when the pads were getting low. So I got home, took the wheel off to have a look and sure enough, there's hardly anything left on the pad. When I changed the pads, I didn't notice any sensors to plug in anywhere. My question is, do the rear brakes normally have a wear sensor on all models? Or has mine been removed? I would have thought that if it's been removed, then the warning light would be coming up on the dash, that is unless it has been re-wired to bypass the warning? car is a 1996 323i coupe
  13. Wom

    MP3 Player

    http://www.ascent.co.nz/productspecificati...x?ItemID=357400 same website (wgtn based) also has heaps of accessories if you're worried about that sort of stuff
  14. the cooling system if it's auto ... the jatco jerk - it'll flare between 1 & 2 + 2 & 3 (usually between 2nd and 3rd is the worse) + it'll be quite jerky changing the gear - this is for the Jap imports, I believe NZ new cars used a different box the climate control unit (if broken it just does what it wants to ... 1 minute it'll be full blast hot, then next minute it'll be full blast cold, that sorta stuff) - guy on trademe fixes them for $100 the display control panel below the climate control - sometimes the characters wont display (pixelated), can be fixed easily using double sided tape electric windows jerk up and down if you hold the button ... window still goes up but you need to keep pressing the button rather than holding it ... another easy fix (just a magnet that falls out of place) the fuel flap lock Don't let this stuff put you off though, I've had a few of the common faults and I still love my car Although the mechanical warranty (with no excess) has really helped out big time edit - check out this thread http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index.php?showtopic=377
  15. Wom

    7 seater

    get one of those bling Odyssey's with the vtec engine and leather interior chuck some neons on it and you're set
  16. looks nice mate good to see another E36 on here ... slowly but surely catching up to the vast amount of E30's
  17. Fog lights don't bother me so much. It's the damned idiots with mis-alligned headlights (usually all new 4x4's and utes) / illegal headlights / fullbeamers that really grind my gears Do they really think it's cool to blind other drivers? Some idiot followed me this morning from Upper Hutt all the way into Wellington .... he was sitting maybe a few centimetres off my bumper (I swear if I had a towbar, that he could've just hooked onto it and had a free ride) ... this doesn't usually bother me, except this morning is was raining steadily and he also had his full beams on. The other idiots that really grind my gears are one's that can't stay in their own lane. Almost every day I nearly get hit by someone half on my side of the road (usually because they are avoiding cyclists or parked cars); or they are in the right turning lane and cross into the left lane where I am so they can get a better racing line through a round-about. I'm wondering how these people get licences (and keep their licence). They obviously have no respect for other drivers and have no idea of what is happening around them.
  18. Stuff is now reporting that the coroner has confirmed MJ is dead http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/celeb...el-Jackson-dead RIP I remember growing listening to his music heaps; he was very talented, but a little strange in his later years.
  19. sorry for the thread dig just wanted to say a big thanks to Brent for the instructions and pictures once I knew where to look for it (and what to look for), the rest was easy from there ... took maybe 15 minutes all up what a world of difference it makes I could definitely tell that the previous owner was a smoker, every time I cranked the heater up I could smell stale smoke before the filter change, I always had all the vents open fully ... changed over the filter and took the car for a "test drive" ... had to close the vents to half-way because of the gale force winds blowing through the car LOL old filter ...
  20. lol fair enough my gf was a bit easier to find a car for ... all her requirements were that it had to be auto and under $8000 I tried to convince her that there's nothing wrong with a big old sedan (or coupe), but she's only driven a Civic from the time she got her licence, so she has no confidence in a bigger car at all ... she even refuses to drive my little old 323i those Golf's are nice looking cars, saw a black GTI parked up in town the other day, had a really nice set of wheels that filled the arches quite nicely
  21. Get her to practice parking in a bigger car and then get her a 3 series?
  22. did you click on the link that Mattzy posted in the Stretched Tyres thread? coz it did it to me just before
  23. in the address bar, change threaded to linear (I think list might work too?) maybe this should be stickied? it seems to get asked quite a bit
  24. I was pretty 50/50 on whether it would look better with or without it. Now that it's off, I think it looks really good ... I reckon the coupes suit the sleeker look without a spoiler. Although in saying that, it did still look good with the spoiler ... so I would say I'm now 60/40 in favour of no spoiler
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