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Everything posted by Wom

  1. ^ lol I had a look around at various discussions, and I'm eyeing up this one https://www.cryptocloud.com/
  2. especially now that we're finally starting to get ok'ish data caps
  3. if it's a jap import auto, then the jatco jerk will most likely affect the car at some stage in it's life the better it is looked after, the higher the km's until the jerk kicks in, but it will happen (unless you are real lucky) manual conversions are quite reasonably priced for these cars though, about half the price of getting the auto box reconditioned (which will just fail again later on anyway) cooling system is a weak point ... if it hasn't been done already, and you do purchase the car, I'd strongly recommend replacing the thermostat housing (plastic) and the waterpump (plastic impeller) check the hoses for signs of oil or coolant leakage suspension bushes would probably be quite worn as well, but not a major cost to replace
  4. still need access to a private tracker to use on a seedbox, they don't let you use public one's music / film / tv studios need to wake up and realise that we are in a digital age and make their content readily available here, and not at some extortionate price like we get with video games
  5. yea I've always had good experiences with pelican parts, and as mentioned above, they tend to be a lot cheaper than buying the identical part from the dealer (some cases I've saved over 60% including currency exchange and shipping all combined!!)
  6. spotted a 730LD ... when I saw the plate was CR1 I thought it was going to be the PM riding in the back, but no it wasn't him
  7. oh right, I should probably look harder next time lol
  8. which tip does that Paul? I've never had a car weighed at the Silverstream one
  9. also, I've found Vero to be very good when it comes to car mods NZI on the other hand, they hate anything even remotely resembling a performance mod
  10. I told my insurance company that my car has a factory fitted Msport kit and suspension, just so it's on their records if they need to value the carit makes no difference to the premiums, but it's just a good piece of mind knowing that they know about that stuff just tell them, yes I have 18inch rims, but they are factory bmw rims the insurer will probably like you more knowing that you are keen to disclose everything
  11. they should've also explained the exclusions the policy has when you took it out they're supposed to go through the entire list and ask, "do you have anything in this category?" etc etc Fair Go does work, I've seen first hand cases that should not have even been considered (not just speaking from an insurer's point of view) and when the threat of Fair Go comes up, the insurer settles outside of courts etc to save the bad publicity but generally the client would've gone through the ombudsman first, and it's quite rare for it to get to the Fair Go stage quite often when looking at cases like that, I'd think to myself before passing my recommendations onto management, is the cost of not paying the claim going to be worse than if we did pay the claim
  12. they might not have given you insurance in the first place if they knew about the wheels, deemed more of a theft risk (and if the company is real uptight then maybe they'll call it a performance mod) doesn't really matter if they affect the crash or not, it's whether they would've given you insurance also very important to make sure you tell your insurance company when you get a speeding ticket and make sure they acknowledge anything you tell them in writing
  13. gearbox = mech I'm guessing that's manual? also curious about transmission = heck
  14. ^ I see his old plate was satan sure I saw that car on a video clip of the nz cannonball run a couple years ago
  15. tell them they were collectors items that you were tidying up to display in your lounge if I was still at my old job I could've helped you out, but I deal solely in life and income replacement insurance products now; working in fire and general made my soul feel dirty
  16. http://www.pelicanparts.com/cgi-bin/smart/...20%281992-99%29 new one, $163 US http://www.pelicanparts.com/cgi-bin/ksearc...16-8-217-480-M9
  17. yep that's exactly why insurance companies do it, because most people wouldn't bother fighting them it's just like the whole extended warranty business, they sell them because people don't want to put up a fight come claim time
  18. haha yea that's why I gave up at $40
  19. Wom

    Turnheads Car Club

    also sad that they need diesel to do a burnout
  20. yea I would've assumed it would fall under contents insurance too sounds like the insurer is just doing their normal tactics of doing everything possible to get out of paying, and will only pay once you've battled them if you try to fight it with them and don't get anywhere, lay a complaint; if that doesn't get you anywhere then contact the insurance ombudsmen and tell the insurer you're going to do that, they may fold just at that suggestion. If that fails, tell the insurer that you are going to contact Fair Go. Bad publicity is a heck of a lot more damaging then them giving into you and paying a couple of grand. I've seen first hand claims that should not be even considered that were eventually paid because the client threatened to go to Fair Go. this goes for any type of insurance too
  21. I'll reserve judgement on looks until I see one in person (which may be never with it's rather low numbers), but to me it kinda looks like a square box that has been shaped into a car ... is it really that short in real life as it looks in vids and pics?
  22. also the tyre pressure on the trailer is quite important to get right for the load you are carrying
  23. no car is good enough for the dog and lemon guide even the cars that get the best reviews are still average at best according to them
  24. What if you're already doing 110 - 120 on a 1 lane each way motorway and there is no room to move over? I'm certainly not going to risk going any faster and get caught just so the person behind me can get to where they're going a bit faster, but in saying that I'm not going to start slamming on the brakes either In that sort of situation the person tailgating should use their brain and realise that there isn't anywhere to move over to let them past. They should just relax for the whole 1 or 2 minutes it would take until there is a nice big shoulder or passing lane
  25. I try do my bit, I constantly dob in dodgy drivers via this - https://forms.police.govt.nz/forms/online-c...dwatch-report/9 it's a lot easier if you have a passenger (or are the passenger) to get them to write down the details, rather than trying to remember everything
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