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Everything posted by Wom

  1. this is my assumption .. I think that they get a lot of tip offs from viewers about certain companies, tradesmen etc, or get fed this information from Consumer so when they pick who they contract to do work, they pick the one's that they've received viewer complaints about, then the likely scenario is that out of the all the one's that do the work, at least one of those will be dodgy in some way
  2. Vero are a bit more lenient with car mods
  3. the common theme seems to be that they get away with heaps because it's basically their word against yours, and who are the cops going to believe? Someone who broke the law and got their vehicle towed or a law abiding business owner?
  4. good to know, I'm with Vero
  5. the chicks that randomly got into my car while I was waiting in drive through loved mine lol
  6. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article....jectid=10799668 geez, I would be super pissed if that happened to me but then again I wouldn't be getting impounded in the first place because I'm a good boy lol anyone care to share their stories of experiences with towies? I'm sure there's a few of you that have had some "fun" dealings trying to get them to admit to damage etc
  7. Wom

    Flames be gone.

    choice, cheers for the info I'll get back to ya when I've got a bit more cash in my account lol
  8. Wom

    Flames be gone.

    the paint has a few chips (with one real nasty chip on the bonnet) and scratch marks (the bonnet looks like someone has dragged something off it), paint on boot is very swirly, and looks like rear end had been repainted before I had bought the car and wasn't done to a good standard (flaking and a bit of bubbling, not rusty though). So it would be a general tidy up of the paint, over the whole car I guess some of it could just be buffed out, but figured if I'm getting some of the car resprayed then maybe worthwhile just getting the whole thing done and having it all mint would be just after original paint colour (hellrot), so no special or custom made stuff required
  9. Wom

    Flames be gone.

    how long would you need a car for to paint it?
  10. ha sounds about right, they are pretty shocking with their reporting eh
  11. just picked one up in black ...
  12. ah right, I was gonna say wouldn't it need a cert for airbag removal, but since it didn't have them originally then we'll just get back to focusing on the ugly guards lol
  13. same here Andy ps jam is far superior to everything when it comes to toast toppings
  14. kind of the opposite direction with those 2 though as they were badged lower than the engine size, but yea that's probably where it started
  15. that's one of the standard tyre sizes for the e36
  16. that steering wheel looks non-airbag? weren't driver airbags standard by that year?
  17. round-about rules aren't changing
  18. I've nearly smashed into the back of a mitsi lancer who's tail lights were so dark I didn't see that he was braking (he was braking hard, which gave me even less time to react) just because you can see the lights from 200m away in ideal conditions doesn't mean you can see them in all conditions, especially true if the sun is shining on them it's just as bad as people who have trailers that block the view of the tail lights on the car but the trailer doesn't have any lights working
  19. yea I said that to the lady who sits next to me who only got 3 questions right and she said, "but in this one they're both turning right" me, "um no they're not, look again" about a minute later, the lady says, "oh yea you're right, I get my left and rights mixed up some times" wtf? kids learn left and right before they even go to primary school geez no wonder people's give way skills are severely lacking
  20. test was easy, new road rules are simple as but was scary how many people at work were very confused and were looking at their screens sideways I trust my abilities, I don't trust anyone else's though, but hey that's what insurance is for right?
  21. haha that is a good point, there's always something to do to a car isn't there
  22. something I should've done from the very beginning lol the amount I've spent on my car I could've easily afforded an M3 and had spare $$ left over for mods or an inspection II service lol
  23. best bet is to talk to the insurance company and tell them you have very important files on there you need to be able to recover, they will have dealt with this before, many times as mentioned in the post above, plug it into a tv or spare monitor, if it's just the screen then it'll work fine and you can back it all up
  24. and because they (the retailers) know there's people out there who will pay it and not care about shopping around for the ultimate bargain they know they can jack up the price doesn't bother me, because those rich folk can buy the cars when they're expensive, I'll watch it depreciate big time and pick up a bargain in a few years
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