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Everything posted by 318is

  1. 318is

    Crazy sky

    Nice pics mate. Last week got my new digicam, and am getting into astrophotography. Going to hook it upto my telescope. Got the "T" adaptor from America on Friday. So much to learn! Anyway - here is my very first pic with my camera yesterday, playing round with it on a tripod mount outside having a beer fiddling with the shutter and aperature setting:
  2. 318is


    Top job, love the Cosmos all prepped - great colour. ( prolly biased - I have the same ) What products did you use?
  3. My line of business unfortunately dosen't go into cars. I can get Automotive items for trade however, and I have offered my services to do this on several occasions when the topic arose on the forums. I could talk to a few reps from my suppliers who may be able to do a discount deal for Bimmersport ie: BNT, but will PM Andrew if anything was to happen prior to posting anything of the like.Unstable - I take no offense to your offer ( Marks for advertising thats for sure ), just the wording I was going on about. Apolagise for the harshness of my post. :thumb: for the offer thou, hope you get a few Bimmers your way.
  4. I have to say, if PITSTOP kelston's manager is so BORED and has NOTHING to do but post here with " business is so sloooow can you come my way", well a monkey can fathom the rest. If i wanted my steel cap boots welded, kelston PITSTOP would be last place I would visit. Damn - if I advertised my business in such a way, I'd give myself 10 uppercuts, 3 thumb hammers and a finger in a spinning fan blade. Well intentioned or not, your advertising method had ALOT TO BE DESIRED ! Shame on you KELSTON PITSTOP, I hope for your sake this thread goes no further. .....
  5. and the bimmersport discount is.......??
  6. I know what you mean. I was in the back of a car a few weks ago. The first time I haven't been behind the wheel for like, 10+ years. I always seem to be the driver.I felt kinda at the mercy of the gods just sitting there with no control of the car. Belted up before I was settled in the seat Worse was on the way back, I was in the front, felt like stomping on the imanginary pedals a few times HAHA.
  7. End of the day - the officer is a DRONE who thinks he/she knows the law. The Judge is the one who you must be concerned about.There are so many loop holes to get out of a ticket if the copper/copperess dosen't do their job correctly. Don't get me wrong. I respect all coppers when I talk to them face to face ( unless I know LEGALLY I am in the right ) but i know for a fact, it's a numbers building game in the force where inexperienced coppers fall short often. Back to topic, if I was driving a truck, a seat belt would be optional. In a accident situation, non wearing truckie seatbelt drivers seem to come off better off. I may be wrong, but you might be responsable for your passengers in a accident. Bad lawyer = manslaughter?????? Wife is in bed, can't ask her ( shes a paralegal and knows or can check a book on this stuff )
  8. 318is

    My 98 M3

    dude - if you got XP, right click > resize>small behold!
  9. Limp mode is just that, a get you home mode a car puts itself into if the management system detects a certain fault.
  10. 318is

    Rust Work

    OMG that cancer is horrid! Previous owners live by the sea?, or did it have a swim at some stage??
  11. To make a glass mould of this would be childs play. An amateur could have 10 goes at it and still be less that 1500 smackers!
  12. If you care about your loved ones, or yourself, you will belt up. If you think you're a mucha cool dude and look 'da sh*t' you won't. And the mucho cool sh*t looking dude seems to be the one whom ends up killing others, or on a slab. Simple really. 100% belt up myself, ask passengers in my car if I don't know they do 100% to belt up. They don't like it, It's the big middle finger and 'get out and walk bitch' from me.
  13. Austin Kimberly ( FWD six ) - first car Ashamed but a Ford Escort for the missus Suzuki Jimney 1000 MGB Built a Chevron RX7 Skyline 2.5 GTS X And now the bimmer. Oh, and a honda prelude 4WS thing that I got T-boned in... crumpled like a sardine can. EDIT: A OLD L300 ( since sold ) a newer L300 and Hiace for work vans.... before the bimmer purchase, so it counts.
  14. http://www.stronghonda.co.nz/broken.htm
  15. Mate that sucks the largest fat one I ever saw. Disbelief is what I was feeling looking at your pics. All the best with the repairs??
  16. If you're a tad squeeeeemish or don't like watching tards hurt themselves...dont click. http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/cyberbob/...compilation.wmv If you do - knock yourself's out! Bout 5MB
  17. Something to bear in mind RIP, is your last car was, more than likely, a car you thrashed and revved it's balls off. A BMW is a class car, not a high performance car ( the model you are looking at anyway ). SO what I am saying is you have to remember that you should'nt thrash it or ring it's piece out showing off, or what ever. It will cost you in the pocket if you do. And I think it looks pretty stupid seeing someone thrash a BMW. Just dosen't look right. Except on a track, of course. I've owned myy 318iS about 1.5 years now, and it's a joy and pleasure to drive. Cost me all up 640 bucks on servicing, including a door actuator at 160 bucks I think it was.
  18. Thats gotta be one of the best E30's i've seen. Nice car man! :mosh:
  19. Nice pic FRAME I can't see a pic anyway
  20. 318is

    Oem baby

    Agreed - no wing. E36's don't suit a wing for some reason...
  21. 318is

    just for you mike

    As my wife would say: "a bloody waste of a good car" It looks terrible... owner might think it's nice thou, as he drives to a tinnie house
  22. Dark makes your car look...kinda.... not quite right. It seems to 'drag down' the ass end of your car... Can't put words into type, but keep then red IMHO.
  23. More than likely the seals on the sunroof. Check they are not obstructed by anything. If not, time for new seals I think. Make sure the sunroof is closing properly though.
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