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Everything posted by simke

  1. He's a legend, there's other pranks on his website Click
  2. Interesting that you got 14 day period to sort them out and get the fine waived. When I was pulled over recently I removed the plates straight away while the cop was there, but still had to pay the fine. Wrote a letter to the police but they responded saying that there was enough coverage in the media to know they were illegal and that I should have "done research" before purchasing them, so it was decided that my fine wouldn't be waived.
  3. simke


    Unfortunately that seems to be true... although I hated high school, once I got to uni I sorted my self out... and turned out just fine... I think
  4. simke


    If I was at school I'd use that as a convenient excuse to stay at home... just say you were hanging out with some Mexican kids... gotta use things to your advantage whenever you can
  5. Series of 8 short films... some really cool driving scenes
  6. So if you say spent $100 on German plates, then got $200 fine (like I did), then you're only $100 short of $400 that you'd spend on buying legal euro plates here But the ones that Plates make here look like crap anyway .
  7. Got these earlier today...
  8. Around $6000 in last 12 months on maintenance and a new set of tires. And around $100 on fuel every 7 to 10 days.
  9. simke

    Shii for women

    Funniest clip I've seen in a while
  10. Good effort, very well done.
  11. I'm not disputing the fact that I broke the law, however stupid it may be. But why didn't the officer just leave it at giving me a warning? All I am saying is that in my opinion it is not a serious offense to justify $200 fine. If I was dumb enough to keep driving with those plates still on, then I'd definitely deserve a fine if stopped again.
  12. Right so I wrote a complaint letter and posted it, but I doubt it will do any good. Yes I am "guilty", but I'm sure my "illegal" plates did not cause any harm to any other road users out there. Hell you can run a red light and get a smaller fine, and that is something where someone could get hurt or killed. But who am I to argue.
  13. About the $200 fine. It's a hand written notice, I would have thought if the officer wrote it on the spot (which he obviously did) that he would hand it to me there and then, and not post it? It does state where and when I was pulled over.
  14. Right, so on sunday I posted here how I was stopped because of my German plates. At the time the officer didn't hand me a fine or mention anything about giving me one, so I though I got away with warning. However today I received a fine in my mailbox for $200 - "used unauthorised registration plate". I'm not arguing about the offence, just would have though that I'd be handed fine on the spot? Should I write a complaint letter or should I not bother and just pay the fine?
  15. Could be a faulty sensor, had that on my e46. Get it scanned. I would have thought you can't get a WOF if self-check reports an error?
  16. Seen that on a couple of cars, guess it would be alright because you are still showing your LTSA approved plate. But it looks kinda ugly.
  17. Agree, I'm not forking out $400 for an euro plate, so for now I'm stuck with ugly stock plates. Might have a look on TM and see if there are any interesting reasonably priced personal plates for sale. No other options really.
  18. Yep the officer told me to remove the plates and drive home without them. Mind you it happened couple of hundred meters from where I live, but I guess he trusted me that I'd go back and not go for a ride without plates. Mine had a "D" symbol on them. But even the ones with the fern have different font, so I guess they'll spot that. As I mentioned the officer knew a bit about them, asked if I got them for $US49 from germanplates.com And I was a bit surprised that he spotted them, it was a two lane road in both directions, and he was parked on the other side of the road.
  19. So I was pulled over this morning by an office because of my German plates. Fair enough, got a warning and was told to remove them on the side of the road and go home and put the proper ones back. Which is what I've done now, damn they look ugly. The officer knows a bit about them, the website, how much they cost, etc. He mentioned they are pulling over quite a few people these days because of the plates, so if you have one maybe its time to change back to the original one. He also mentioned that now they usually don't give out warnings anymore because people just ignore them, so I'm lucky I didn't get a fine.
  20. Went to see this today and it was absolutely great. Was amazing to see F/A 18 Hornet in action, it was unbelievably loud. Hulme Supercars had a set up a display there, awesome looking car.
  21. Agree with that, I've got a DEH-P7950UB, the control knob can be a real pain, and the fact that the screen displays only 3 items at a time makes it hard to browse folders on hard drive that I've attached. On the plus side, I'm very happy with the sound quality. And I like the look of it.
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