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Everything posted by briancol

  1. I got this email today and am wondering if there is some weird BMW link attached to it? REFERENCE NUMBER:BMW:25515600DS Serial No:5388/02 Cash on file: Dear Email owner, Your email address on REFERENCE NUMBER:BMW:25515600DS has won a total cash prize of 750, 000.00 GBPs (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British pounds) and A Car and other consolation prizes in Our Computerised Email random selection. Please contact the claims officer for more information Claims Officer:Terry Brown Claims Requirements:1.full name: 2.Home Address: 3.Age: 4.Sex: 5.Telephone: 6.Occupation: Email: bmwresult09@stu.xawl.edu.cn Terry Brown THE PROMOTION COORDINATOR Note: Send all your details to bmwresult09@stu.xawl.edu.cn I hope the car is a BMW.
  2. Well the car is now in Auckland and I have had a chance to get a couple of better pics of it. The Engine and other parts are inside the car and I need to get them out, but this is how it arrived yesterday.
  3. That ad is only temporary. The car arrives in Auckland on Saturday and we will get a chance to clean it up a little and get much better photos. Those pics were taken where I found the car, stuck in the corner of a large shed and not much room to get decent shots of it.
  4. We will probably get there early afternoon on Saturday. It's up to Mark but he is keen to get together with us Aucklanders and sink a few bevvies.
  5. The car's now on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DAIMLER-LIMOUSINE-19...255e1df99d#shId
  6. Knowing Mark, we will be there until we are thrown out at closing time.
  7. Mark (1Rotty) is going to be in Auckland this weekend, so We are having a few beers on Saturday arvo at Fibber McPhees in Botany Junction. For those who know Mark (and even if you don't) come on down to Fibbers in the afternoon, have a few beers and a good old chinwag.
  8. Got to get it back to Auckland first, then I'll make the decision about what to do with it. They tell me that if I remove the paint from the drivers door it will expose the NZ Govt signage that was originally there.
  9. I see it still has it's plates. I wonder if the rego is on hold.
  10. Will probably put it straight on ebay and see if I can't find a buyer in the UK. The Poms pay top dollar or should I say pound for this sort of thing.
  11. Not all of us are computer literate Glenn, so instead of just deleting all the pics why didn't you resize them?
  12. The car is complete. There is a broken door handle, no glass in the drivers quarter window, and the engine head is badly cracked and will need to be recast or another purchased. These are only a few of the photos that I took but you can see the disassembled engine here.
  13. It will be for sale I don't know how much for yet, but a restored one in the UK is being advertised for 110,000 pounds.
  14. I went and looked at this yesterday. It's a 1935 Daimler LQ320 It was originally purchased by the NZ Govt. for when King Edward was due to tour NZ but of course he abdicated and never sat in it. It is 2 owners, done 43,358 miles, and been sitting in the barn for 30 odd years
  15. I saw this in a shed yesterday and thought you might like to see it. Sorry it was not in a position to get better photos. It's not for sale BTW.
  16. I want it but even if I win powerball this weekend I still won't be able to afford it.
  17. If that was a silver Z8 then it is probably the one for sale at Team McMillen.
  18. briancol

    e30 325i Coupe

    If it's a medium case diff can you PM me details when you have worked out the ratio please.
  19. I have tried googling to try and find any that are up for sale, but with no results. Yes it's worth what peiople are prepared to pay, however there is a market value for this car and that's what I'm trying to find. I know approx. what the restoration cost will be, and I know what I have to pay for the car. I just want to know if it is going to be a worthwhile venture.
  20. !935 Daimler LQ 3.20 This car was brought into NZ by the Government for the Royal Tour of King Edward who abdicated before the tour could take place. I have been offered the car (unrestored) but I need to know what the value would be before and after restoration. Can anyone help please? Photo is of a fully restored model.
  21. One from a NZ new 318 compact. ZF of course.
  22. Thanks guys. LSD sh*t yeah after the way it bunnyhopped through a corner yesterday, I think an LSD is the next project but what dif ratio do I need?
  23. I just got my coupe back yesterday after getting a manual conversion. And what a hell of a difference. The old Jatco was on it's last legs. It was flaring ever since I first got the car from Japan, and it has survived for four years like that, however it did go into limp mode for the first time a couple of weeks ago so I decided that it was time to do the conversion. Ray at HellBM did the conversion for me which included a short shifter, and I must compliment him and his team for the brilliant job that they have done and the speed in which they did it. (one and a half days). For some reason the whole car feels a lot tighter. The fact that I have replaced the ball joints, tie rods and rear shocks recently and haven't been able to really drive the car to it's ability because of the Jatco could be the reason, but I like to think that perhaps the old girl is rewarding me for turning it back to the way she was origianally designed to be. But I'm in love all over again. It's going to take months to wipe the smile off my face and an age to pay my fuel bill coz I just want to keep on driving her. To Ray and the crew from HellBM, my heartfelt thanks, you guys are just magic and you've made an old man very, very happy.
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