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Everything posted by 1rotty

  1. Youre quite right of course mate.....We have a problem tho'.. we're both gun shy since watching Greg get fried last time he grabbed a lead---but faaark it was funny.
  2. Happy birthday mate-hope its a goodie
  3. Hate to disagree with my main man but I think we need to try another plug rail next. At worst it eliminates one possibility-I wish I could find the 3 I have lol
  4. 1rotty

    TechII e30 M50

    Looking great Sacha..well done
  5. So we reckon we are pretty much sorted except for this. On startup engine runs on 5 cylinders for about 2mins( getting some heat obviously) then all 6 fire & thereafter all is good. Changed leads,cap,rotor,coil,plugs to no avail. I know its a bit of a how long is a peice of string question but suggestions welcome. Engine is stroked 325 -bored to 2820, 2.7 crank, b25 head with 288 Schrick cam, e36 328 injectors (pink), standard f/l ecu
  6. E36 injectors into the 2.8 stroker-guess i'll let Gavin decide if they are an improvement or not-certainly no shortage of fuel haha
  7. Just fyi..the going rate for v gd condition black leather recaros(sport seats-which are more sort after) is around 600 so u might need to adjust just a tad.
  8. ^^^^^^ haha Jon...teacher much !!
  9. Over the past week reassembled,installed & test drove the newest incarnation of my slightly troublesome 2.8 stroker. Think we have it right this time-still running in but its brutal Spent a whole day giving the 540 the Mequiars 3 stage polish then taking it for a serious stomp around the country roads of CHB
  10. If its been well serviced then 218k is not an issue. Nice looking car
  11. 1rotty

    89 e30 325 Tech2

    Hey Stuart-it is up on Trademe Yep sorry about that-just updated original link
  12. 1rotty

    e39 540i 6spd

    Yeah lazy-need new exteriors anyway-too much glare
  13. 1rotty

    e39 540i 6spd

    Have I priced too low? What do you think guys
  14. 1rotty

    Not Even a Car

    In case you hadnt noticed Im having a clean out!!!!! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=435594992 Ya gotta laugh SOLD SOLD SOLD
  15. 1rotty

    e39 540i 6spd

    Treat yourself http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=435582641
  16. 1rotty

    Limmet's back

    Holy Fa.........rk !!!!!!!!!
  17. Its really odd but mine always smells exactly the same as $100 bills
  18. black hoodlinings a good start
  19. Drove the 540 with newly installed 6 spd back from Aucks on friday-cant get the smile of my face. Even cleaned it as soon as i got home in spite of the sh*t weather. e30 headgasket has finally arrived for the 2.8 so something to do over the break-cant wait.
  20. 1rotty

    Trademe Scammers

    Yeah I had a guy purportedly from Australia-You'd have to be pretty naiive to fall for it
  21. ^^^ dont you love bmws...that the relays overheat on what was a $160k car
  22. ^^^^ + 1 And the m62 is absolutely the way to go-will simply blitz the m60 My 2.8 stroker has cost easily over 3k & wouldnt touch either v8 engine
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