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Everything posted by 1rotty

  1. Sorry mate but that is very definitely NOT what I am saying. And what is happening in this thread right now proves my point exactly !! Only this time its you guys shooting yourselves in the foot.
  2. Well I didnt think it would last long-I can hear the key turning. Cant say I didnt try-sometimes you guys ARE you're own worst enemies.
  3. And that Mark is precisely the kind of comment that causes this nonsense so think before you post-this is not facebook. edit: & that goes for you too Andrew having just read your last post
  4. It seems to me 2 of our e30 members have been singled out for "special treatment" & its time some of you just buttoned up & let them run their threads-its getting f**king boring!!! Sure they might sometimes be a bit brash & cocky but who wasnt at their age. They should be getting credit for having the balls to even take on these projects not getting flamed every time they open a thread. How did you guys learn your skills?-no doubt from having a go & making plenty of cock ups & I bet you didnt have a bunch of smartarses flaming you at every turn. And to Mr Domdoos or who ever you are,having met John I would respectfully suggest that his IQ would put yours to shame. And that is my 2c. EDIT-SMARTARSE COMMENTS DO NOT HELP THE CAUSE GUYS-so leave it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 1rotty

    Door Stuck shut

    Well done Graham, It seems to me both Andrew & John have been singled out for "special treatment" & its time some of you just buttoned up & let them run their threads-its getting f**king boring!!! Sure they might sometimes be a bit brash & cocky but who wasnt at their age. They should be getting credit for having the balls to even take on these projects not getting flamed every time they open a thread. How did you guys learn your skills?-no doubt from having a go & making plenty of cock ups & I bet you didnt have a bunch of smartarses flaming you at every turn. And that is my 2c.
  6. Anyone meeting up for a drink or two first?
  7. Jeez that would definitely induce car sickness
  8. F**k off sluts-its mine!!!!!!!!!
  9. haha I got unlazy &took a look-the car looks pretty sweet
  10. Which car you putting it in Andrew cbf doing the link
  11. Yeah it will look nice & blingy just above my shiny new headers hahahahahha. Gotta say these e30s do kinda grab ya.HA!
  12. haha-too slow kiddo lol.
  13. So I think the tm one has been discussed no? Regardless,anyone know it?
  14. woohoo- AC/DC Thurs,TCV Sat -gonna be a big week
  15. Hey Bud-I'll take it You have PM Who's going-wanna get p***sd & st**** first? haha
  16. Can admin make it a required field when registering?
  17. 1rotty

    bleeding slave

    Or the new master has died.Was the original slave definately shot? Similar happened to me when i did a conversion. Check you havent bent the master cylinder rod with all the pumping-I did. Normally if you just swapped the slaves it would need very little bleeding.
  18. John-read this link http://www.kiwicaddy.com/news.asp?id=10&am...mp;task=display
  19. ^^^^ While I agree with what you say,the op has sought advice from this forum presumably because he feels there is some expertise here. Several of the posters have a ton of experience with e38s & Glenns advice is always spot on, so he ignores the advice given here at his peril.
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