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About oldskool

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 01/09/1972

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Grant Harvey
  • Location
  • Car
    e38 728i
  • Mods List
    20's ( tastefully ) exhaust and tints
  • Car 2
    e53 X5 4.4 V8
  • Car 3
    e39 528ii m/sport

Contact Methods

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Outside of work which I'm bloody lucky I enjoy, not much time to play with toys these days, but jetsking, watersking & diving are all good. Keen to get back into car days etc, and just like tutuing when I get the rare chance.

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  1. Hi Josh, Long shot, but have you still got these ? Cheers Grant
  2. Not wanting to sound too Facebook, but is this still available ? Thanks
  3. Hi Guys, It's late & I'm old . . . But am I missing . . . Price ? Cheers Grant
  4. Hey Scott, New Fuel Pump and she's a happy camper again !! Cheers mate, enjoy your new machine . . . I will enjoy this one !! Cheers
  5. Hi Scott PM'd you . . . Cheers
  6. oldskool

    1990 E32 735i

    Hi, Is your e32 still available ? Cheers
  7. Looking good man, like the wheels . . . know your pain with the washers, had to do them on my 535i msport. Washer bottle was full of some seriously nasty gloop . . . managed to get it out without taking the wheel off though. Enjoy it, you bet me to it . . . so making do with a 303km replica of yours . . . love the extra omph of the 540i over the 535i Cheers
  8. Hey Martin, I'll give you $80.00 and a dozen fo your fave beer if you forget to take them tomorrow !! I snoozed . . . I loosed . . .lol
  9. Hi Guys, Genuine set of 18" x 9.5" M-Pars Wheels & tires . . . off e38, all m nadges & center caps, despite one missing in pic. Tires 265/40/18 two ok, two not so ok Looking at $1100.00 Cheers
  10. Bump . . . $500 . . . Cheers
  11. Bump . . . $450.00 . . . Cheers
  12. Hey Nathan, Sorry, crazy week last week . . . On their way tomorrow !! Have a few spare hours in the morning so it's top priority !! Cheers for your patience . . . Ta Grant
  13. Ha Ha . . . no stress, good to know I am not alone !! Cheers
  14. Ha Ha . . . Yup, feel the same way about e34 M5's when I see a stray set of throwing stars !! Cheers for that, hope your enjoying the 335i
  15. Hey guys, The clean out continues . . . Set of staggered 17" Style 68's 7.5 front & 8.5 rear . . . Front tires are good, one rear good, the other getting low . . . curbing as shown Haven't got round to polishing them up yet, but will come up nicely . . . Thinking $500 . . . make me an offer, but don't be too harsh !! Will double check tire sizes tomorrow . . . Cheers G
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