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Everything posted by huff3r

  1. Next time you are approached/door-knocked by a preacher follow these steps: Interupt them, then Ask them if they would be willing to completely change their entire beleif system based purely on you ramblings, then If they are still there then they havent taken the hint, tell them to shut up and go away.
  2. Buff out? Nah, just a little bit of Paint-Doctor on the really bad spots and it would be mint Gutted as, they both looked pretty mint (this coming from a die-hard ford fan)
  3. Should be pretty easy to spot those, too many vans just break down these days but ive never seen a previa at the side of the road..
  4. Thats beacaus they just recently enforced an open road limit of 130 in NT, it was quite well publicised and complained about a couple of months ago
  5. huff3r

    Dream Job

    I also have no desire to work with cars for a living, i did once... But then i figured out that working on other peoples cars everyday would lead me to hate working on mine, and i could never do that to myself.. So now i'm doing an engineering degree at uni (which i'm thinking about dropping) And looking into joining the army, and getting paid to got to tech
  6. Main problem with nuclear power is when the reactor starts getting old and requires maintenance. When this happens the decision must be made : 1. Close the reactor, cover with concrete and make a large area of land unusable for 1000s of years. 2. Spend millions, possibly even millions on development of robotic systems to renovate and repair the inside of the reactors... no way any human could ever do it, no-one could survive in there. This is what most the early generation reactors are going through at the moment, and the truth is it is cheaper to close the reactor and build a new one. And we all know what happens when one option is cheaper (i.e new over recycled)... expect wastelands surrounding concreted bunkers like chernobyl all over the place.
  7. huff3r

    BMW garage opener

    I'd fully buy one if it did
  8. huff3r

    Available jobs?

    Just a 16 week AARC course at the start, then depending on your chosen trade or whatever you could be on base the rest of your time there
  9. Cheers, haha felt slow when i got destroyed by that black fiat... Will be heaps better tho with more bmws, when Nathan finally gets sorted ae Probably gonna be quicker than me anyway
  10. +1, ^he's too quick for me, i need someone to compete with make me feel better?
  11. Even a dog can drive them, what a true family car
  12. huff3r


    Its just another bird flu/SARS... gonna kill the world.... yeah right
  13. Unfortunately this is true But they don't exactly help us out here
  14. huff3r

    E30 320i Racecar

    Everything works again! Got a new hose this morning, thank you mr stealer Only set me back $55 haha, pretty much the same as the subaru.. But at least they had one there, and now the car is fixed and will definitely be running for Sunday
  15. huff3r

    M40 Flatspot

    There are instructions there, but only for removing the entire head, valves etc... Dunno about just the shaft, might be able to lend a hand sometime though... kinda busy getting my sisters car soted/the racecar ready/my other car sorted lol
  16. huff3r

    E30 320i Racecar

    Yep, except more troubles.... hope bottom hoses aren't too pricy... Turns out the intake piping was a little close to the bottom hose, which was then a little close to the alternator Should only be a minor setback, as long as i can get a new one fairly cheap...
  17. huff3r

    M40 Flatspot

    Pretty sure the haynes book covers camshafts? You've got one aye? If not i do, and its available to rent Or borrow
  18. huff3r

    E30 320i Racecar

    Time for an update on the cold air box So after a couple of hours when i was bored last night i built up the most ruthlessly POS cold air box ever... but it works so who cares Yes, that is insulation tape. And yes, the box is sealed in there, will not come out unless rivets are drilled. I know thats a bad idea, but right now i'm just happy its done. Will make it perfect later.
  19. huff3r

    mag rims e30

    Hey Jon, just wondering... are these 15 x 7s? and what offset? I might be keen...
  20. I would actually probably wear an e30 shirt everywhere....
  21. I should be there for the Wellington one, representing the E30s
  22. +1 those are wicked lol.... especially the last one
  23. +1 i'm sure you'll love it here
  24. Awesome work! Sooo jealous of the R888s... can't wait to get my rims
  25. HB.. hope it's a good'un
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