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Everything posted by huff3r

  1. Wow, that was quick! Your gonna fall in love with the E30 before you know it...
  2. OMG awesome! I want one... i did already, but still...
  3. huff3r

    Nz Justice system

    I agree, he is getting off lightly. But the way i see it, if he got a longer sentence when he got out he wouldnt be able to handle the real world, hence would re-offend so he could go back to his comfortable 3 meal a day with sky tv existance... anyone who comes out of prison from a violent crime, and has no future on the outside is the same... they cant be rehabilitated because they aren't suited to the real world anymore anyway. So it's really a lose/lose situation... short sentence, or significantly higher chance of re-offending...
  4. huff3r

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    I had the exact same in my car, complete with silicon all over it to try and stop it leaking.. Although i cant give you any advice with the headliner sorry, as mine is a racecar i just tore/cut it all out haha The sunroof cradle can be a bit of a mission to get out too, but if you just cut through it in the right spots it pretty much just all falls away If you want to try doing it the proper way by drilling out the spot welds i would recommend being very careful to avoid denting your roof... they are very close to the surface
  5. Check all the wiring along the left side of the car, there is a plug somewhere along there for the rears speakers which may have been knocked loose
  6. Very nice, and the best colour too
  7. When i removed mine it was definitely attached to the parcel try, not in the boot itself, although i am unsure as to where it was attched to the panel under the parcel tray..
  8. huff3r

    E30 leaks!

    Mine was rusted out, so despite having clear drainage channels it dripped out throught the headlining onto the rear seat and floor etc, ended up with water all through the entire carpet and right across the backseat. There are several other places it could be coming from though, I havent actually heard of water on seatbelts before...
  9. huff3r

    E30 leaks!

    Does the car have a sunroof? thats where my leak came from... fixed it with a welder and some bog
  10. huff3r

    New Banner FTW

    Haha, just noticed.. very proffesional, i like it
  11. huff3r


    You can do that, but good luck getting the media information for the songs... as the ipod stores them all under codenames, like a letter followed by 2 numbers etc. Using Sharepod etc you can get them off the ipod with all media information attached, and personally i find sharepod to be quite easy to use, and useful especially as it can be run from the file on the ipod itself, ie. no need to install
  12. You have a very important calculus test you haven't studied for in 15mins and your still on Bimmersport just to see whats happening
  13. I like it. Anyone good at art wanna do it to my E30? lol
  14. Toyotoa Previas, the new police fleet... a little less inconspicous than the old L300s
  15. M3? $4500 or $45000? Cos i've never ever seen one that cheap Definitely an awesome car to have though
  16. huff3r

    1987 e30 M3

    So when's the next O'bay meet then? haha not really fish and chips weather anymore is it? Must be a million times better than that VW thing you turned up in last time
  17. I'm a member, also for the intermarques and hopefully next season the race series as well. It was definitely worth joining, and i'm 19 so don't know about it all being oldies
  18. ^^Haha, just needs springs for a WoF apparently, doesnt look too bad..
  19. What if there was no beginning? At all? What if everything has always been here, and always will be? Then neither would make much sense
  20. Early june? How about late May? reckon u could make the 31st? Its pretty much a whole month, cant be that hard
  21. Thanks for the heads up, i'll be keeping an eye out for that one
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