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Everything posted by cainchapman

  1. In the BMW, a pram normally. And if Deb has been shopping, 6 trillion dollars worth of new stuff.
  2. I noticed that too. But it appears to be whenever someone votes in the poll, it lists it as a new post.
  3. cainchapman

    Console Gaming

    I think the Wii is the coolest and has the most fun. However, the graphics aren't as good as the other 2.
  4. ordered an iMac and Ipod Touch. Will get an iPhone when they arrive. Only got a 3 week wait for Apple to deliver the Mac! Useless buggers. Using Mum's G4 now. I agree, I probably could get a better deal with a Windows machine. I don't have a budget for the new machine. In the end, I like the Mac's. Deb liked the iMac more than the Macbook. Decision made. Yes, you are correct on the iPod Touch being a toy, but why not. My Palm was too and the LCD screen that Gus has somewhere. It will do until the iPhone arrives.
  5. I agree Paul, there is nothing major wrong with a Windows based system. I have a brand new Dell Latitude D630 (less than 2 months old) and it is constantly sending error reports and giving me the 'blue screen of death'. Windows is a poor copy of the Apple OS. You would have thought they'd have got it right by now. I guess that the problem when marketing runs your company, not Engineering. I guess the poll result reflect what I expected. I'll have to go and play with a Mac Book and iMac seriously. I would like the Mac Book portability, but don't really need it and the 20" screen on the iMac is Awesome. Thanks for the suggestions. See you next month when I next get some computer.
  6. I agree that Apples are not cheap, but an BMW isn't twice the car an equivalent Toyota is and yet we still buy them. Personally, I was bought up on Apple as Dad used to work for them IIC was my 2nd computer at home, then onto Macs. I love them, and they don't crash and crap out. Lucky bugger, but Telstra have the best network in the country in WLG (thanks to Saturn). So not a great comparison to Auckland. Keep it coming. Obviously, I use a Windows based machine each day and Gus has a point that they are different to operate. However, if I get an iPhone and iPod Touch, then having an Apple is better.
  7. As I'm finishing work tomorrow and losing the laptop and my new job has a desktop. I finally have to buy my first computer. So, which is it? I only need to get internet access, e-mail and get photos off my digital cameras and maybe play about with the odd video (nothing flash). Then as I will also lose my company paid broadband. Suggestions for a plan and provider for the above usage would also be appreciated. Cheers, Cain
  8. I can organise an F430, but I don't want to top and tail with you Jock. Seriously, look at the Alfa Spider. It's hot.
  9. That was "doubling the clutch" Jock, wrong pedal!
  10. Quattroporte Sport GT. If you are taking the family. If it is just the 2 of you. An Alfa Brera Spider or an F430 Spider.
  11. Nice Jock. Even hit the rev limiter. Good to see you took it out West.
  12. Welcome, nice car. Great cars to go cruising in.
  13. cainchapman

    Breaking News

    Good to see tolerance is alive and well. The Chinese goverment will call you a criminal too if you disagree with them. Is the head of a criminal organisation a political party that doesn't agree with the despot goverment? Who knows? When did you all start trusting the Politicians? Intelligence services then? Haha, very funny. He can stay and get a job IMO.
  14. I'll swap you a 540iS. I could do with a change of car. Although I am getting another car in the next week anyway.
  15. As I work for the manufacturer of the Police breath alcohol analysers and evidential units. You cannot trust how you feel. There is no size advantage. You can consume different amounts of alcohol on different days and be the same level. It depends on how fatigued you are, ill, how well fed, etc. You can increase for 2 hours after you stop drinking due to the digestion process. It's safer not to risk it. The cheap breathalysers are of limited use and are easily poisoned (tech term) with high readings. And the first thing you do with it is drink heaps and see who can get the highest reading. This does effect the life and accuracy of the lesser units. On the flip side, the rules of thumb on how much you can drink (2 drinks in the first hour and 1 every hour after that) is very conservative. For the adult reading that is 400ug/L. The youth rate is 150ug/L. N.B. a stubbie of Mac's Gold is 1 drink, not a pint of it!
  16. I don't think it is a generational issue. Not so much now anyway. Yes, it used to be acceptable to drink and drive. It now isn't. Yes, youngsters are getting drunk and driving, but for the same reasons that they speed and kill themselves. Risk analysis isn't great when you are under 25 (stats prove it). I also have an issue with lack of driver training, by the time you have gone through the licence programme and are old enough to drive in a car with your mates after hours, you are also able to buy alcohol. And as every great Westy knows, the last words out of their mouths is "check this out!". The Italians are able to drink from 15 and unable to drive until 18. Whilst, I'm not advocating 15 year olds drink. At least by the time they reach 18, they should have got most of their nights of binge drinking and waking up without memory of how they got home (or woke up with the Cougar they did). To follow on with Jock's boy racer stance. Crush the car they are driving. Even if it is their parents.
  17. As usual Tim, I full of useless sh*t. Used to work for Rakon. GPS guided bombs are a little more complex than a clock crystal.
  18. Well done Jock, it must be time to go and buy yourself a V8 convertible. Have a great day.
  19. I'd start with the internal battery Tim. The RTC "real time clock" would be the next point of call. However, that is wildly inaccurate. As the base crystal frequency is 32768Hz and it would need to be oscillating at around 27000Hz to the losing time that fast. Internal voltage to the oscillator circuit could be an issue, if the Laptop has an oscillator circuit rather than just a crystal. The average crystal will cause your time-keeping device to loose 0.5 seconds per day at room temperature. As the internals of a laptop are hotter, you would expect it to actually gain time.
  20. I agree, it's a nice looking car. Leave it as it is. I also assume that anyone who has de-badged their car has a gutless one and is embarrassed. Don't be, it's a good car. I'd prefer a mint 318 to a rough as guts 325. I get heaps of people ask me if I've got a 520. Doesn't worry me.
  21. cainchapman

    New Toy

    Nice So you have the basis of an E30 race car in your garage as well now?
  22. Sweet car. I'll look forward to seeing that. No, a twin airbagged E34 won't get in.
  23. Yes, Nick Wood owned it. No idea if he still does. Nice looking car. Gus Pimped out for that at the Concours one year.
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